Chapter 3 | Bar Talks

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I looked at her while she left with her long healthy jet black hair swaying as she rapidly ran to a reason I was yet to know it, something about her tells me she's not what she seems all scary and strong.

I got a call from the police department I bailed my uncle from I was honestly surprised because they said we were finished "
Hey Lieutenant is there anything wrong with the money or the paperwork?" There was a long pause then he finally spoke
"No Grayson, but we have decided we need you here on a mission on a reckless and irresponsible bounty hunter you need to stay with till she gets her act back and stops acting like a child with a tantrum"
I laughed "damn she seems like a handful،is there going to be any money for it?"
"Is that all your care about Grayson?"
"That wasn't my question Lieutenant now was it ?"
"Yes don't worry your going to get 450$ for each mission she goes on"
"Make that 500 and you have yourself a deal"
"Fine 500 but trust me you won't last 2 missions I know my bounty hunters well"
"You don't know what I can handle"
"We'll see about that"
"Meet me in the police department tomorrow at 8am I'll be waiting for you"
"I'll be there early"

I went back home showered, ate dinner then finally went to bed for tomorrow.
I finally got to the police department 15 minutes late not because I I couldn't wake up but because I saw multiple cats so I had to pet them, when I got to the lieutenant's office there was a women sitting with the same jet black hair as scary lady could it be? I thought to myself
"Finally the Grayson Weber the same Grayson that said he'll come early but you're 15 minutes late" L. Marshall announced, the moment he said my name the lady turned around with pure horror in her eyes damn is she pretty, and to my surprise it's the one and only scary lady from yesterday just like I expected, I chuckled and it seems she got more annoyed by it she's cute I thought,
"Oh come onnn you can't let this prick babysit me he can't even hold a coffee right"she said with such an annoyance.
"Oh really I spilled coffee on you once and I can't hold a cup right you certainly don't mean that"
As she was going to continue this so called argument, Marshall stopped us and scolded us for fighting like kids.
Scary lady looked him dead in the eye and gave him the hardest eye roll I ever saw I knew I'll like this girl,
"Okay now that you both are seated and acting like adults let's give you the mission, there's this women who fakes id's and smuggles drugs out of the country her name is Brooke Theowin but she doesn't go by her real name find her fake name and bring her to me as quick as you can, come on what are you waiting for on you go she was found last in a bar near downstreet"
Scary lady stood up and started walking with no intention of waiting for me
"Yoo scary lady wait upp I'm here to babysit you remember?" She stopped and threw a dagger right beside my head and said
"say that one more time and I'll prove to you I never miss"
"Damn okay fine" I laughed it off and we were off to the bar
" Are you even above 18 for you to go to a bar"
"Actually I'm turning 19 this year so technically yes are you?"
"I'm 24 I can go in and out of bars whenever I want" I said with the biggest smirk on my face
"Okay then big boy lead the way since you can go in and out of bars whenever you want" she looked at me and smirked
God this women is strong
We went to the bar and sat down and ordered drinks and lucky for us we found the girl on a date with what seems a guy way younger then her
"So is this all you do" I asked
"Technically yes and then when we're sure she's a criminal I get to threaten her which is always pretty fun"
I looked deep into her eyes and said
" are you always this strong confident and ruthless?"
"You read all that by me saying threats are fun?"
"I saw way more but that'll be enough"
"Well yes because in a ruthless world like this you can't be soft it'll rip and tear you to pieces until you're nothing but ashes"
"It won't rip and tear you to pieces to smile once in a while yo know"
"It already did"she said with the gloomiest face ever it seems she really isn't just strong and scary
"Does scary lady have a name by any chance "
She laughed
A gorgeous laugh might I add
"Yes she does Ophelia Winston is her name"
"Oh well I'm.."
"I know Grayson Weber from Germany already 2 steps ahead of you"
"Ha ha smart I see, and someone also seems like a stalker"
"Well you saw good because I am smart and I'm definitely not a stalker I'm just brighter then you" with a another smirk
" So Ophelia where did you get that fluent German tongue it's not easy "
" My teacher in the 5th grade was German and she taught me a couple of stuff and that lead me into learning the rest of language on my own"
"Wow she must've been a good teacher"
"Yeah amazing I loved her but I moved schools so haven't seen her since"
"You moved schools?why?"
"Ummm my parents passed away in a theft attempt gone wrong the same year"
"Damn I'm so sorry for both of your losts"
"It's fine it's been ages I've learned to coop with it don't worry"
"See scary lady does have feelings"
"Scary lady had feelings she stepped on them ages ago when the world proved to her multiple times it isn't a world suitable for feelings and that it's just a rough world with rougher people"
"That's true but what's life if your like everyone else be different you make the change scary lady should be scary kind lady from now on"
"That's easy to say"
"You'd say that" she giggled but I can see the pain in her eyes, how could someone hurt such a traumatized soul
"Enough about my sob past what about you what made you come the new york"
"well I came and studied college here medical school actually "came here at 18 finished at 24"
"Oh so you graduated this year congrats"
"Wow a nice thing from scary lady should I feel grateful"I looked at her and her face looks hilarious
"Oh shut up your still the same pain in the ass who doesn't know how hands work"
"Yeah I disagree on that"
She bumped into and had the oh shut up face she always has
It was adorable
"GRAYSON she leaving quick pay I'll follow her"
"On it mam"I payed for the drinks and ran after her
"Okay we didn't lose her but she seems innocent to me I know a good person when I see one" I said knowing damn well she isn't a criminal
"Well let's go and talk to her and prove she's a criminal"
"Or we'll prove she's innocent"
" Deal shaky hands"


Heyyyyy Juliette here
What do you thinkkkk?
I actually like this one since it actually shows the vulnerable side of our Ophelia

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