Chapter 4 | Innocent??

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"BROOKE THEOWIN STOP RIGHT THERE" I yelled to make my appearance seem strong, Grayson was just behind me standing waiting for what might happen.
She turned her head and said "who are you to yell at me like that"
"We work for the NYPD and we want to ask a couple questions" Grayson then said "we're not here to hurt you"
I stared at him and he knew that it's time for him to shut up "jeez I'm just trying to help"
"By making the criminal like you"
"What nons.....
She yelled " criminal? You "have the wrong person I'm no criminal"
"SEE I TOLD YOU" he said with the same grin that says duh I told youuu
"Yes because a criminal would tell you if their a criminal or not good job shaky hands you should become a detective"
"Nah give me a year and you'll see Grayson Weber everywhere as the best doctor"
"Oh is that....."

Uhammmm" Brooke cleared her voice
"I'm still here with the scary lady pointing a dagger at me which I still don't know why"
"Brooke why don't you come with us we'll talk over some coffee before we take you in"
"Fine but I swear I didn't do anything"
"Please come with us and we'll talk there I don't want to make a scene"

"So what I'm getting is that you got framed by some guy that lost money in your company?, And what's this company about?"
She looked at me and Grayson like she's hiding something
"So?your looking real suspicious Brooke"
"I swear it isn't too illegal"
"Ha I liked that isn't too illegal" Grayson said while laughing, I looked at him and told him to be more serious
"How is it not too illegal?" I said with a questioned look
"Okay fine so people pay me to ruin other people's businesses I blackmail them I frame them for things thier company goes against"
"Damn you're smart I love that idea teach me your ways miss" Grayson said with full puppy eyes
Fuck he's cute when he does those eyes
"Grayson foucs that's not why she's here"
"Right right sorry scary lady"
I looked at him and I rolled my eyes and he just giggled at me
"So miss Brooke your telling me that you don't fake id's nor do you smuggle drugs outside the country?"
"Huh?what I would never do that my husband died because of an overdose and you want me to do exactly what killed him in hopes other people die too??never" she said with such a convincing sound and I might start to believe that what Grayson said was true she really isn't that much of a criminal
"And why did our L. Tell us you smuggle drugs and fake id's for criminals and underaged kids?"
"Is there by any chance your lieutenant is called marshall cai??"she said and me and Grayson froze because how would she know he got the job like a month ago and he told us he came from Florida far away from New York
"Yes he is, how did you know that?"Grayson asked with the same look I had in my face
"I can't say, my company has secret and undercover services so you would need to talk to my lawyer but your no detective so you have no power to talk with my lawyer"
"Your right, I don't have the power to talk to your lawyer but you know what I do have the power??to report you for blackmail and I have proof"
I pulled my phone out which has been recording the whole time we've been talking for federal reasons
She looks stunned Grayson was too then he said "THATS MY SCARY LADY GO GET EM "
WHAT? He didn't just call me HIS scary lady
I looked at him in Shock and I think he Sensed it and said "shit my bad it just came out, you know excitement got the best with me" with a nervous laugh that sounded so wholesome
"Fine fine I'll tell you everything" she said but we both forgot she was sitting there because we were both staring into each other's eyes for what seemed years and decades
It felt safe and warm shit shit shit this can't be happening I can't like him he's him I can't
"Yes ofc start talking" I said while I fixed my voice acting like nothing happened but I can see Grayson had that smirk he always does
My scary lady
"Okay I know L. Marshall Cai because he asked me to blackmail a company a huge one I don't know why but when I started the job he accidentally spilled my cover and I was almost caught when I told him what happened he demanded his money back I didn't return it because I had to pay a 300$ fine because that person sued me for trespassing confidential information then he started threatening me with his job as a L. I told him he had no proof and I never saw him since then and now that we connected the dots it seems that my framer was lieutenant Marshall Cai the lieutenant for the NYPD"
Me and Grayson both took a while to gather this information since we just found out the lieutenant we work for is using his name for personal businesses and supporting a blackmail business which is against law.
We gave Brooke two choices either she gets reported and gets 2 years of jail or we let her off with a fine and we shut her business down with donating half the money she earns every month to a charity of her liking.
She of course accepted the second one but what I hadn't excepted it that she picked it with ease and happiness
So when we let her go she felt happy.
Could a bad person really change and turn to be a good person?
Can I change into a good person after everything the world did to me.
Will I change because of a certain person?maybe a German one?


and Ophelia seems moved by Brooke's decision she seems surprised??
Maybe she'll learn a thing or two from them wether it's from Grayson or brooke

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