Chapter 13 | At last

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Seeing her all broken and all sad Because of me made me want to just hold her until she felt right, but it also gave me an opportunity to tell her how I feel, how I really feel, and I did tell her and it was the best decision
Her lips, her hair and literally everything about her makes me want to burn the whole world just for her.

We ended up going with Caroline and Alexander, and we did have our fun but nothing can take my eyes off Ophelia, for once I saw true happiness in her eyes

"Okay Grayson from the moment we got here you've been smiling and staring at me like a physco"
"Well for the past month I had to sit around you for half the day and not be able to show you or tell you how gorgeous you are"

Her cheeks turned this memorizing pink, made her even more beautiful

"Oh come on u can't be that serious"
All I could do was stare at her black eyes the same eyes that are staring right back at mine

"You guys should definitely get a room" Coraline seemed really happy about me and Ophelia, and Alexander just laughed at every comment Coraline said
"We should, what do you think Shaky hands?"
"You know I'll never refuse an opportunity like that scary lady"
"Lead the way"
Ophelia then looked at Coraline's way and excused us
To finish what we started

We went to her house and just when she stepped inside I pinned her to the wall with one hand holding both of hers, her breathing started getting heavier I got close but not close enough.
"Yes scary lady?"
"Kiss me, make me yours"
"Anything for my princess"

I kissed her deeply reminding myself to breathe in between kisses, her phone rang but she just threw it on the couch that was behind me, I started touching her cheeks and neck with my lips rather then just kissing her.
Her phone rang once again
"Ophelia just answer it what if it's important"
"Fine" she looked at me while being so annoyed it was adorable
"What is so important you had to call twice"
"That's not a way to treat your boss Ophelia"
I knew marshall was trying to make Ophelia hate him even more because he's a jerk
"Oh lieutenant sorry I didn't see your name on the screen, what can I help"
"I have a job for you the Brooke Theowin case"
"Sure send the location"

When Ophelia hung the phone she started jumping
"Come onnn I hate that name Ophelia"I laughed Because for once this feels like home, she feels like home
"Well I say what I want to so fuck you"
"You hilarious"
I started getting closer to her waiting for her answer
"I know I am"
Fuck it she's addictive
Just as she said those last words I knew I couldn't help myself anymore I kissed her once more,
She's finally mine

We ended up going to the location Marshall sent her and finding Brooke there
"Brooke come, marshall sent us to catch you but I think it's our time to open that deal and catch him red-handed"
Ophelia told Brooke the whole plan the recording him confess to her and eventually we'll all win

We set everything up, Ophelia was looking as gorgeous as ever she was wearing a pair of straight leg light wash jeans with a black sleeveless deep V neck that's ties at her neck,
Just looking at her makes me fall in love even more
"You seem to be inlove"
I turn around and see Brooke talking to me knowing exactly who I'm in love with
"What's there not to love exactly"
"Well when your done imagining a life with Ophelia we're waiting for you we're going to call marshall in a bit"
"Yeah sure I'll be there in a sec"

"Hey marshall, it's Brooke Theowin we met at the precinct you were willing to reopen that deal with me"
"Oh yes Brooke I remember you, and about the deal I don't think now is a good time but keep me in mind I want you to finish the business once in for all"
"Marshall I need to finish this now so tell me everything you want me to do"
"Remember that company I asked u to blackmail last time?yes I want you to actually complete it since I paid you to do so and you never did"
"Oh so you confess to actually asking me to do it and paying me?"
"Well yes of course I did what's wrong with you"
Ophelia takes the phone from Brooke and says
"Hey marshall remember me?your bounty hunter? Well I don't think I'll be your bounty hunter since your going to get fired"
"Ophelia?what the fuck"
"Surprise bitch we caught you and we have all the proof"
"Well Brooke is going to be just as guilty"
"Brooke sold her company the last time you sent us to get her she sold it to charity and paid a good ass fine"
"You cant report me I'm your lieutenant"
"You'll just have to wait and see"
"Fuck you and Grayson I know he's with you"
"Hey Marshall, good to know you have some intelligence"
"Your the one to talk huh Grayson you don't even know your own brother"
"How did you know"
"You can say I know people just like you do"
"Well good for you marshall I don't give a fuck anymore"
"What if I tell you that you know him and have talked to him personally"
"I would've known it's my brother"
"Really?even if he dyed his blond hair and changed his name"
"We will report you"
"Go ahead I'll just let your brother know that you know him and choose not to tell him, I know people remember"
"Goodbye marshall"
"You'll know who Alec is in a short period of time but I'm sure your smart and I'm sure you already do"

I shut the phone and it hit me
Is Alec who I think he is,
I knew he looked familiar no wonder he's German

Fucking hell it's Alexander
Fuck my brother is Alexander, Caroline's boyfriend
Shit shit shit
I hope you burn in hell marshall


Juliette here once again,
Sorry considering it's been a while since I last posted with school and studies
Awful I knowwww

Anyways I hope you guys like the new chapter and I'm posting alot of shit on my insta


it's still unedited for anyone reading it but I will edit it when I can just to make everything easier


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