Chapter 6: A Sense of Purpose

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For Y/n L/n, the last two days have been extremely eye-opening regarding how he perceived reality and his ignorance about the situation he finds himself in. First, he learned of Kayako Saeki's past, then Sayaka Yamamura's past. Both died in tragic and unfair circumstances, and the empathic Y/n naturally feels a sense of sadness for the two ghosts. But is he being too soft and is letting his guard down a wise decision? Will his soft nature ultimately be his downfall or will he connect on a deeper level with the apparitions that are already a part of his life? Read to find out!


Y/n pov:

The reason I moved across the world to Japan was not because of its low tuition nor was it to get away from my demanding parents, that is just what I tell myself. Truthfully, like many others, my age felt a concerning lack of true purpose in our lives. From that moment, I realized I was intellectually gifted enough to get good grades without putting too much effort I began to do just that, placing as minimum effort as much as possible.

That led me to develop an apathetic attitude toward my education and my life as a whole. Why go the extra mile, when the least amount of effort was all I needed to do to pass? Why spend time socializing and networking when I could just stay home and play video games or watch anime?

Why work hard at anything, for that matter?

I desperately needed purpose which is why I traveled to Japan. I found it in the unlikeliest of places, in the form of the Supernatural. Everything I've ever believed proved to be a lie and yet, somehow, it didn't bother me. All that matters is that now I felt like I had something to do in my life, a goal to work towards. That was to help the two apparitions, women, in my home find some kind of peace. It was worth putting myself in danger, they were very beautiful after all.

I had no way to come in contact with Sadako other than by using the VHS tape which was cursed to house her vengeful spirit. Even though I had only an extremely minute chance of actually contacting her, I still knew it was worth trying.

Even if it took me all night.

This time I wasn't going to be drunk, I was going to be in a clear headspace, I wanted to show her that I did care for her. Slipping the VHS tape, I began to ironically pray on the inside, that I would meet her. This was my only option.

"Sadako, I don't know if you can even hear me, and maybe I'm just tripping due to all that's been happening lately, but if you can hear me I want you to know that I'm here for you. You can trust me..." I explained as even though I knew that talk was cheap, it was the actions that matter.

Unlike the last time I used the VHS tape, I was met with nothing. Not even a static screen so that meant that either the VHS tape or player was broken, or that this was Sadako's way of acknowledging that she had heard my plea. Being the optimist I was, I chose to believe the latter, plus she did have psychic powers so it wasn't the most implausible of theories.

"That's good, this means you can hear what I'm saying. Don't worry about showing yourself if you're not ready, we've got all night long," I explained staring right at the pitch-black television screen in front of my eyes as the waiting began.

The hours began to slip by, as it got later and later into the night. I was only human and I had my limits. so try as I might, I began to feel myself giving in to the seemingly hypnotic call of sleep. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't fight it. It was as if I wasn't in control anymore, my eyes shutting the longer I stayed up.

I knew I couldn't win the battle against my innate desire to get some sleep, it was futile.

"Please, I want to help you..." I mumbled as I was on the verge of falling asleep, my eyes barely managing to muster the energy to stay awake.

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