Chapter 8: A Very Familiar Danger

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For Y/n L/n, the mystery of who Onna has finally been revealed. By no means a normal human being, she isn't even human for that matter. In actuality, her true nature was that of a Youkai, a vengeful spirit with a cruelly disfigured face. That's why she wore the mask and that's why she was the subject of many conspiracies, and not the good ones either. She wasn't intending on sparing Y/n either, however, thanks to his kindness and his fondness for women with scars, the male would live to tell another tale. What more could be in store for Y/n? How far could it go from here? Read to find out!


3rd person pov:

Being a foreigner in any country comes with its risks. For one you might find yourself unable to acclimatize to the new culture, or you might find yourself unable to make any friends in a land where you're ignorant to its social cues. If you're Y/n, however, you might find yourself being the target of two robbers, specifically chosen due to him being a foreigner.

You see most people since his arrival are under the impression that he is packed with cash, not an unreasonable deduction given the amount of tourists that flock to Japan every year with deep pockets of cash. However, Y/n didn't belong to that stereotype, as he belonged to a different generalization - that of the broke college student.

Y/n so far has tackled all kinds of problems, more specifically that of the supernatural kind. But how will our unsuspecting protagonist deal with a more recognizable danger?

Y/n pov:

One thing I learned on my many ventures during the night as a kid was to never drop your guard down, no matter the situation. Even as I was currently physically and mentally exhausted after the events that I had just experienced, and desperately needed sleep, I knew better than to not keep my wits about me.

I knew I was being followed, I could hear their footsteps on the ground even as they tried so desperately to sneak up on me quietly. I had no weapons on me, nothing to defend myself so I knew the best course of action was to act as if I was unaware of their presence.

'Damnit, I knew I should have picked up Onna's knife.' I thought to myself. She could defend herself if necessary, however, I was only a normal human being.

'I hope they're as scared of my home as the other two were' I thought to myself, as I reached the gate of my home.

Entering I quickly rushed to the door, to try to outpace whoever was following me. Taking out my keys, I stayed still for some time. The sounds of crickets chirping masked any other noises in the background which meant that if I was still being tailed, there was no way for me to know.

"Here goes nothing..." I braved myself as I inserted the key into the door handle.

Before I could open the door, however, I felt a sharp sensation on my back.

"Don't you dare make any noise!" I heard a male voice demand to me, even with my limited grasp of the Japanese language I could still decipher what he meant.

In a flash, I felt the keys being ripped out of my hands, as a female opened my door. I was immediately shoved painfully into the ground, with a kick to my back. Wincing, I turned around and finally got a good look at who the two were.

I immediately recognized them as two of my classmates, I hadn't interacted with them much, aside from when I introduced myself to the class on the first day of University. I could see a third person in the background with them.

"Asami, go ahead and take anything you can from the upstairs, Yusuke, you make sure that no one enters his yard. I'll handle and restrain him!" I heard the male who I recognized as Kirito speak up.

I was too exhausted to fight back as he began to restrain me by tying up my hands as well as my feet, making it impossible for me to move. We were facing away from the television, as I heard her ascend into the upper floor and the storage room.

Pointing his knife at my neck, I looked up at Kirito who was smirking. They must have planned out this, from the moment I introduced myself. His face told it all, the sardonic grin on his face. I was the right kind of target for a robber. Living alone and far from all of my family. I had no one to turn to.

"You're gonna stay right here foreigner, and we're going to take everything you own. But guess what?" He would sardonically chuckle, before duck-taping my mouth. "You can't do anything about it~" he explained sadistically.

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I was powerless to do whatever they were going to do and I detested this feeling. Growing up, I was always taught to defend the things that were important to me so that's exactly what I did.

Feeling him push his knife against my neck immediately drawing blood, I began to kick and shuffle in my constraints desperately hoping to free myself, but my attempts were futile - I couldn't get out of my situation by myself. As if he was enjoying the sight of me desperately trying to get out of my confines, Kirito began to laugh maniacally.

I couldn't believe it, he was finding joy in my helplessness.

I felt so weak, so pathetic but I was too lifeless to do anything. It was as if I was his lab rat, and he was free to do as he pleased with me. I felt a few tears of pain exiting my eyes, as I felt him twist the knife into the wound at the back of my neck. All I could do was cry out in pain, screaming into the tape as he continued to cackle.

Then suddenly all went silent.

I then began to hear him coughing out weakly, as I could tell that he was being strangled by something.

'Sadako...' I thought to myself as I remembered that I hadn't removed the VHS tape yet from the player which meant that she must be the one who was strangling Kirito.

I then heard a scream echoing down from upstairs before the sickening sound of bones being broken and limbs being ripped apart replaced the sound of Kirito's choking.

'Kayako...' I internally mumbled as if I had been saved.

Even though I knew they had just been killed, I didn't feel an ounce of remorse or sympathy for them especially after they methodically tortured me and took pleasure in it. They were monsters who deserved to die.

Feeling the ropes being removed from my hands and feet, as well as the duck tape being removed from my mouth, I could only watch as the two approached me.

"Thank you..." I whispered before falling asleep, my eyes finally giving in.

3rd person pov:

"We'll never let anyone hurt you Y/n~" Sadako whispered as Kayako lifted the male into her arms, taking him to his room and joining him in bed, both on either side of him.

Unbeknownst to Y/n, the two apparitions had made a pact with each other to share him. After seeing the lengths he went to connect with them, it was only natural that both developed a liking for him.

However, they could be more... obsessed than a regular human.

"You belong to us now~" Kayako sinisterly confessed to Y/n as she eventually drifted to sleep, and so did Sadako.

*time skip to the next day*

Y/n pov:

I'd never been so scared as I currently was when attending classes ever in my life. I wondered if the authorities would suspect me for the mysterious disappearances of three of my classmates, how was I ever going to explain what transpired last night?

"Listen up class, it looks like three of your classmates have already dropped out but don't fret for we're having some new members of my class. Please come in Sadako Yamamura and Kayako Saeki!" I heard my data algorithms professor explain as my eyes widened.

This could not be happening.


This is the 8th chapter of my story, I tried to focus more on the yandere aspect of this story, so please tell me if you enjoyed it!

See ya on the next chapter!

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