Chapter 15: Her True Nature

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It is said that we take refuge with things we understand, maybe that's why Y/n hasn't been affected by the supernatural beings he's encountered so far due to them all having a humanoid presence and being. Perhaps it is due to this familiarity that Y/n hasn't ever felt scared or even mortified by the situation he constantly finds himself in. However, for the being he encounters next, she is certainly not humanoid as don't let her beautiful looks deceive you, underneath that she has a snakelike body, as Y/n finds out the hard way, almost being taken by the Kankandara as her slave. Running away, he encounters the mysterious woman from the train, who offered him shelter. But who is she? Is she to be trusted? Is she another trap just waiting for Y/n? Read to find out!


Y/n pov:

I was shaken up from the events of earlier today, I had barely gotten out of there alive even if whatever that thing was never intended to kill me. Perhaps, that is why I ignored all the warning signs yet again and followed the woman to her place even though my gut was telling me to do the opposite of what I was doing for the second time.

One of these days, it's going to cost me.

'Hopefully not today.' I thought to myself as I made my way to her home.

"Nice place, it's even bigger than mine" I chuckled complimenting her.

"Thank you, I initially wanted to book the one you're staying in but you got there before me" the woman responded as she took out her key and placed it inside the doorknob.

"Wait, how do you know where I'm staying at?" I asked completely taken aback by her statement.

"Don't go asking questions you might not want the answer to~" she said opening her door with a smile on her face.

Ignoring how creepy that sounded, I quickly entered her home, relishing in the warm heat radiating from her fireplace. I had been in the freezing weather for so long that my fingers had become numb so this was a massive relief for me.

"Want some hot chocolate?" She asked as I nodded, I needed something to warm me up.

"So what should I call you?" I asked as I was practically in a stranger's home since I had no clue what her identity was.

"You may call me Hachi," she explained as she handed me the cup of piping hot chocolate.

It burned my hand when I held it, but it was a pain that ironically provided me much relief as it warmed my numb hands up, as soon the both of us found each of us sitting on a shared couch. Compared to the other women I had encountered before, I could tell that she was quite developed and since I was in such proximity to her, it took every ounce of self-restraint to not stare or even have a few glances.

"So why were you in such a hurry just now?" She asked taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

I debated in my mind whether to tell her or not, but ultimately decided not to. For one. to any listeners it would sound like a ludicrous story and I did not want to get kicked out for sounding crazy, not in front of her.

"Y/n?" She asked as I snapped back into reality.

"Oh right, I was being chased by some kind of animal. Like a wolf or something..." I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck.

"Are you sure? You're not hiding anything from me, are you?~" Hachi asked as she stared into my eyes with a knowing gaze as if she could see right through me.

I wanted to tell her, but there was no way she would believe me. Right?

"You're too easy to scare, I can already tell~" Hachi began to giggle as she turned her face in my direction.

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