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So this is not another one shot, but I was scrolling threw one shot prompts and I saw a handful I just had to make into solangelo. I promise it's gonna be funny.

Warning: PG 13 (I guess)
-Some sexual theme talked about
-Will being cringe

Edit: I just realized the first few stories involve a bed/waking up :p I guess that just tells you what time I'm making this at. (*cough 3:00am cough* )


Nico was sleeping peacefully in bed one morning when he startles awake from his husband, Will, pouncing on him on their bed.

Nico groaned. He was not a morning person.

"Wakey wakey sunshine! Do you want waffles or pancakes?" Will asked on top of Nico. "Oh who am I kidding, I know the answer to that. Pancakes it is!"

Nico groaned again. He did like pancakes but he hated the mornings.

"Come on Neeks! Pleaseeee get up" Will plead.

"I'll give you a chocolate bar!"

No luck.

"Come onnnnnn" Will whined.

"Ugh. Fine. Suit yourself. I'm going to take a shower. I wanted you to join me, but I guess I'll have to take it by myself..."

Nico leaps up immediately, "No, no, I'm up! I'm awake!"

Will smirks. "Knew that would get you" he said quietly.


Will is in bed, about to fall asleep when Nico comes into the room all nervous and flustered.

Will groans, waking up again, wondering what his boyfriend needs. "Mmm...what do you need, Neeks?"

"I... uhh..." Nico replied.

"Can this wait till morning? I'm tired AF right now so if not just spit it out-"

"I love you"

"I love you too, now come to freaking bed right now!"


Nico is curled up on the couch with an impossible amount of blankets because of the February chill.

"Where did you even get all these blankets Neeks?" Will asked Nico, standing in front of him.

"We don't even own this many... don't tell me you stole them Percy and Annebeth's place?"

"I borrowed them" Nico said, his voice muffled in the blankets.

"..." Will raised an eyebrow and put his hands on his hips.

"...Indefinitely" Nico mumbled.

Nico, walking down the street seeing someone:

"Omg what an idiot" Nico says, seeing a random person on the street.

He realizes it's Will

"Oh no, that's my idiot"


"Ugh, I love sleepvers!" Nico says, just waking up from a coma.

"This isn't a sleepover. Your in the hospital with slight brain damage" Doctor William replies.

"Then why do I have this funky nightgown on?"

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