Remembering tomorrow

120 5 39

For context, everything in Italics is Will and Kayla speaking in the present, everything else is what happened in the past.
(Sorry if it's an eyesore)

Also, there will be named time skips, I hope it doesn't look too rushed.

Thanks to my online friend, D4R1NGD0V3, for helping me with bits and pieces of the plot!

Trigger warnings: Mention of death

Word count: 3049
[Third person: Will's pov]

"How did you two meet?" Kayla spoke, sitting on the couch of her apartment, Will across from her.

Her brother had just invited her to his wedding to his fiancé, Nico. Currently, Nico was with Hazel, picking out a suit.

"It's kind of a long story..." Will spoke.

"I promise I won't interrupt!" Kayla promised innocently.

"Well, it all started when..."

[A few years before - The coffee shop]

'I. Am. So. Bored.' Will thought to himself in his dorm room.

It was mid afternoon and he was studying for a medics exam for his university. He was already sure he was going to pass with flying colours.

So why now do you ask, is there an extremely bored Will Solace sitting in front of three open textbooks and a notebook full of notes?

Anxiety. That's what you would call, anxiety.

'Ok. I need a break.' Will thinks, closing his notebook and walking out of his room and the building, locking his doors.

'Coffee. That's what I need.' He thought, walking towards a small local bakery.

As he walked in, he took a deep breath and smelled in the aroma. It wasn't one of those overwhelming coffee and doughnut smells you get when you walk into a Starbucks or a Tim Hortans, (or Dunkin' Donughts but on steroids for y'all Americans) no, it was a cosy, warm, inviting smell that made Will want to melt into the floor and live there.

He walked over to the counter and a young girl, about 17 he thought, popped up and smiled, asking to take his order.

Will ordered a medium coffee and a blueberry-muffin. As he got the items, he looked around. There were two booth tables and two tables with chairs around them in the middle area of the room. Three of the four spaces were taken. One held a family of four, another was a brother and sister obviously catching up together, and the last one held a boy sitting alone staring at his food, poking at it with his wooden fork.

The boy looked about Will's age and extremely bored. He had messy, semi-long, jet-black hair, his bangs brushing into his dark brown eyes.

The sister and brother laughed fairly loudly and the boy glanced over, winced, and looked back at his food, taking a small bite.

Intrigued, Will walked over to the boy and gave a friendly smile.

"You waiting on anyone? You look bored." Will asked genuinely curious.

"No, and boredom comes with a boring life." The boy said, looking up at Will, scoffing with a slight smile.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Will asked, tiling his head, still smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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