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Trigger warnings: drunkenness/alcohol, non-consensual actions, mention of blood. (very small, non-graphic)

I'd just like to say I've never seen a drunk person irl so I'm kinda making it up so sorry if it's a bit non-realistic at some points.

Btw, sorry if the POVs are annoying. I wrote out the story and decided to clear it up a bit by writing the POVs in.

Third-person POV:

Will sat down on the couch beside Nico, his boyfriend, in their apartment. It was 10pm.

The two boys are 21, living in an apartment together. Will worked at a children's hospital and Nico stays at home. He tried looking for jobs once, but no one hired him with his lack of school, and his zero job experience.

'How am I supposed to get work experience, if no one will hire me?'

"Tiring day at work sunshine?" Nico asked when Will put his head on Nico's shoulder. Will just groaned in response.


Nico looked beside him to Will's phone on the coffee table.

"It's yours." Nico said to Will

"Can you read it?" Will asked, looking up at Nico.

"But what if it's private? Also I don't know your password."

"Pleeeaaaaasssseeeee?" Will begged. "And I already have your face in as my second Face ID."

"Wait how did you- I'm not going to ask." Nico rolled his eyes as he picked up Will's phone.

"It's from Kayla. She's asking if we want to go to the camp reunion party tomorrow night."

"What about work?" Will asked

"It's Friday, there's no work tomorrow."

"Oh right..." Will sat up.

"I'm down if you are." Nico said

"Obviously, when have I ever said no to a party?"

"Don't over work yourself, Will."

"It's tomorrow night, I'll have recharged by then. And speaking of recharging, let's go to bed. I'm exhausted." Will yawned.

Nico quickly messaged her back that they'll be there, and went to bed.

[Time skip 'cuz I'm lazy]

Will's POV:

They arrived at the party at 9:00pm and Nico made a bee-line to the drinks.

"I'm getting drunk tonight!" Nico whooped.

"Don't get too drunk-" Will tried but he got cut off by the blaring music.

'He is going to have a massive hangover in the morning.' Will thought to himself.

Around 10:30 he still hadn't talked to Nico since he ran off. Will had talked to all of his friends, had a few drinks (he was still mostly sober) and looked for Nico again.

He walked over in the direction of the washroom and as he turned the corner, he saw Nico, fairly drunk, leaning against a wall talking to hazel, and this girl, with her arm around his waist.

Will froze. He back-tracked so they didn't notice him.

'Who was that? Why was her arm around his waist? It must be nothing because Hazel would have done something... right?'

His brain flooded with questions.

'I'm over reacting. I'm jumping to conclusions.' He thought to himself. 'Nico wouldn't do somthing like... that. I just have to trust him.

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