#22 Rain And Ice-cream

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I am here again 🗿

On their way back to mansion where y/n was looking outside of window her eyes went on a ice cream parlour across the street. She got alert and told jungkook to stop the car who confusedly pull the brakes. Surprisingly,he didn't reacted much as his anger has now cool down.

"Why you told me stop the car?"

"Jungkook look ice cream parlour." Y/n excitedly pointed in the direction.

"So?"Seeing him acting so unenthusiastic about ice cream make y/n pass him a disbelief look.

"Such an apathetic person you are jungkook. I am here talking about ice cream,can you hear me ICE-CREAM." Y/n dramatically pressurized on ice cream word. Jungkook rubbed his forehead feeling done and annoyed.

"Let's go!"
"NO!" Y/n startled him when she yelled unthinkingly.

"I mean I wanna have some."

"Ice-cream, please." Y/n requested showing puppy eyes which makes her eyes more larger and face more babyish and his resolves begins to melt.

"But going outside could be dangerous."
"I'll just go and come."

"You are not a Superman." Jungkook exclaimed taking out his wallet.

"For ice-cream I can be anything." Y/n stated with a wide,weird smile.

"Here you go but be careful." Y/n didn't acknowledged his concern and flew away from a car like a butterfly with his wallet.

One of his bodyguard come out of car and approached his boss's car.

"Boss,is everything alright? You suddenly stopped the car in mid."

"Everything is good,you can go back." Jungkook dismissed him and look at the sky which begins to overcast by thick,black clouds.

Jungkook slides down the glass of his car window and the soothing touch of cool breeze caressed his face lovingly leading him to close his eyes as the petrichor smell hit his nostrils calming his inner soul.

There is no lie that jungkook hates rain, it's just appear a gloomy weather to him during which he feels nothing but alone and depressed but he loves to feel the soothing weather before it actually starts to rain. Cool breeze,the earthy smell,the beautiful sight of dark clouds engulfing the sky,the change in wind patterns, everything is heaven for him.

It reminds him of his childhood where he used to sit by window of their mansion when he was not allowed to go outside to play like a normal kid because of his father's mafia profession. And during those lonely days his mother used to light up his mood by playing and baking cookies for him.

After she passed there was no one with him who can drag him away from those lonely and dark nights. Maybe that's why now this devil only love darkness.

"I think it's gonna rain." Y/n announced her presence, getting inside. Jungkook diverted his gaze at her while with other hand he pressed a button and the glass of window rolled up.

"Hmm,you shouldn't eat ice-cream in this weather. You will catch a cold." Jungkook started the engine and left the spot.

"Eating ice cream during rain is such a bliss. Here,I don't know about your favorite flavor so I bring butter scotch." Y/n said forwarding her hand towards him.

"Tsk,I don't like eating it."
"Oh c'mon jungkook slide your mafia personality to one side for ten minutes and enjoy your life." Y/n forcefully handed him the ice cream cup and starts to eat her own hungrily.

When she was eating she feel a gaze on herself. Y/n looked up and found jungkook staring at her blankly.

"What? Why are you not eating? Wait,don't you dare to think I'll give you mine. It's my favorite flavor. Take your evil eyes from my ice-cream." Y/n gasped acting surprised and covered her cup.

"Stop behaving childish. And use your brain. How am I gonna eat it while driving?" Y/n hummed and starts to think of something.

"Idea,first let me finish mine." Y/n immediately gulped the remaining portion of her ice-cream before throwing the cup outside from window.

She turned to his direction and take the cup from his hand. Scoops ice cream using spoon she reached her hand towards his mouth.

"Say aah!" Jungkook look at her weirdly.

"Am I looking like a kid to you?"

"When someone is being generous towards you,you shouldn't question. Now c'mon my hands are hurting." Jungkook give up and opened his mouth.

Y/n smiled widely and put the spoon in his mouth. Her excitement increase when rain started. She squealed loudly.

"It's just raining." Jungkook exclaimed to which y/n scoffed in return.

"Do you know how interesting it becomes eating ice cream in rain? Sadly,mine is finished."

"You can eat this one too. I don't enjoy ice cream this much." Y/n didn't wasted another second and starts to eat.

Jungkook just chuckled and shook his head at her childish act.

"You and your weird acts."

"I just love to eat ice-cream when it's raining. You know why?"

"Why?" Jungkook joined her in her silly talks.

"Because It feels good seeing yourself chilling after having a bowl of ice-cream. And I loved to do unusual things and most importantly loved to see myself suffering for fun."

Y/n continue blabbering until they reached mansion. Whereas hearing her talks jungkook find y/n quite unique and weird. Overall,he first enjoyed rain after so many years.

Next day.

Y/n was on a day off because today is ronowoo's operation. Feeling urge to meet the little boy y/n left early in morning. Whereas jungkook too left for office after having his breakfast.

Due to y/n's absence the environment of mansion was too quiet and boring. And jungkook felt it too.

He decided to meet taehyung's mother today. So, with Taehyung he left for his house without knowing what's waiting for him.

While on the other side operation has already started. Y/n with ronowoo's mother is waiting outside of operation room, praying to God for this operation to be successful.

As she is not working in this hospital anymore she is not allowed to go with them inside. How badly she wants to go with them so she could encourage the little baby more but hospital's rules doesn't allow it.

"Don't worry everything will be fine. Ronwoo is a strong boy. I am sure he will win this fight." The mother nodded her head with her teary eyes.

"God, please don't disappoint us." Y/n prayed in mind and keep looking at the operation room door.

Hmmm! So how was it?
You know you all made me emotional by commenting such sweet words. I was legit close to shed tears.😭 And 100+ comments,ok I am in heaven now 😫

Twankuuu so much my little bear's 😣

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