#57 Drunk Mafia

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How early I updated, right?
Hehehe 😄

Ishq zo jara sa tha woh badh gaya re.

Two days later

"Boss, someone gonna see you." An agitated secretary said to his boss but Jeon Jungkook was adamant to ignore him once again.

"Shuuuttt—upppp, little boyyy!" The mafia shushed his secretary with a forefinger on his lips. His words were a bit slurry and he was swaying in his place. Taehyung sighed at his state.

Little boy, seriously! His boss is totally wasted.

"But boss you are drunk and do you really think you can climb up to the room in this state? You're gonna hurt yourself." Taehyung tried to make his boss understand as he was concerned about his safety.

"You're being ri—ridiculsh. I am not—drunk,ok."  The mafia argued with a finger stretched towards him, his brows settled in a little frown clearly showing his annoyance. His gaze turned blurry and he stumbled but Taehyung was quick to hold him in place.

"I can see how sober you are. Boss, please try to understand. It's risky."

"Taking risks is a part of love." When taehyung heard those words his stomach twisted in a weird manner. He felt like he was gonna throw up.  Hearing a cheesy pick up line from a Mafia Boss is just so weird.

As if he just heard the most bizarre story.

Dang, it just sounds so unnatural and abnormal. Somehow he managed to not throw up and inhaled a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

It's ok taehyung! There is nothing weird about it.  You are dealing with a lovesick husband not a Mafia Boss. Keep your calm. You can't just freak out over a small thing.

Small thing?

With an exhale of breath, taehyung faced his boss who was not there. He disappeared! What? How? And where?

Shocked crossed his face and eyes got wide as saucers as he witnessed his boss swaying towards the house. "Boss wait!" He shouted before sprinting ahead as fast as he could to save both of their asses from getting beaten up.

"P...Petaaalll........Princessssss....." Drunk Jungkook slurred his words loudly, standing close to the entrance of the house.

"Come.....outttt. H-how dare t....that old man t-take you......away from....m-mee...?" He complained in tiny, with lips puckered up and deep creases on his forehead clearly showing the mafia's disheartened state.

He steps ahead but as he was wasted and had no control over his muscular activities, he was walking unsteadily because of that he tripped on the stairs resulting in him falling down, knocking down the flower pot along.

"Boss Jeon are you okay?" Taehyung asked, crouching down beside him. He gripped his boss's arm to lift him up but then he heard the sound of footsteps coming close to the door.

"Oh for my hot youth's sake, save us almighty."

"Who is there?" Mrs Shin questioned as she came out but to her surprise there was no one outside. Her eyes then fall upon the knocked out pot.


"It's only a cat." She shook her head and placed the pot back to its place before going inside. Hearing the door closing sound taehyung sighed in relief and leaned against the wall.

Mafia's Caretaker {J.JK FF} (BTS FF)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن