#28 Changes

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Closing the door behind y/n leaned against it. The tears she was holding back there now streamed down from her eyes,painting her rosy cheeks.

"You know out of all things happened with me you are so different from them. The feelings I feel having you with me is something I can't compare with anything."

"I badly wants to know what this is?"

She was sobbing conviousely. Y/n never had thought he would say something this. She is not unaware of the meanings behind his every word. She does know and this is what she was afraid of most.

But it's not his fault, somewhere she is responsible too and now she have to correct it even it includes her maintaining distance from him. She can't ruin things.

Evening time.
Here Jungkook is working on laptop but his mind was busy thinking about a particular person. He was lost in thoughts. Jungkook couldn't help but wonder why y/n suddenly act like that. Did he make her feel uncomfortable?

Why she felt without saying anything? A groan of annoyance left his mouth. After the incident her thoughts are not leaving his mind and seriously it's pissing him off. He is feeling restless and nothing could calm him except her presence and warmth.

For god's sake he just wanna see her for once in this suffocating moment.

That's when a knock appeared on door. Hastily, he stood up and opened the door. Yet, the shine is his eyes disappeared once he saw who is it.

"Master dinner is ready." Turns out it wasn't y/n but maid Yuna who is here to inform her master about dinner.

"Where is y/n?" He coldly asked.

"Master she left to her house. "

"Exactly when? " Yuna gulped.

"In morning after she cames out of your room." Yuna answered timidly.

"And you are telling me now." yuna's soul left her body hearing how angry he sounds.

"I am sorry mas...."

"Stop making excuses and GET THE HELL OUT FROM MY SIGHT." Jungkook's loud yell stopped Yuna from saying anything further and close the door with a thud,flinching her.

"You are in serious trouble my friend. This devil won't gonna leave you so easily. Jesus!"


Next day too y/n didn't come to Jeon mansion neither informed anyone about the reason of her absence. Two whole days passed the mansion was quiet with a silent devil roaming around,blank faced, dark gaze spreading his terribly dark aura around.

The mansion which few days back started to feel like home now again turns into devil's hell.

By sudden swap everyone working there got confused while Yuna was worried about her friend. She is not lifting up her calls too and it's seriously making her crazy and Jeon Jungkook or should she say the once lost devil is here who now return back to his ruthless state.

It was third day when y/n stepped into Jeon mansion. There is nothing which could describe her state. She even was hesitating to go inside after disappearing so sudden without saying any word to anyone.

How will she face things now and moreover how she gonna deal with Jungkook? She even have no idea how would he behave? Will he be angry?

To find answer of her questions y/n finally stepped in. With no further delay y/n marched inside kitchen where she found Yuna working.

"Yuna!" She called her whose gaze immediately fall on her.

"Oh my god y/n where the hell were you? I swear to fried onions I thought you disappeared and hide in a rabbit hole." Y/n gave a bored look.

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