Chapter two

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"Oh, boy, it's gonna be a long shift today." I said walking into the kitchen to make a smoothie. "That is why we are kicking things off with Paul's world-famous spicy sausage rigatoni." Paul said as the rest of the team walked into the kitchen. "Sausage? Really, dude?" Marjan said and Paul shook his head. Chill. It's turkey." Paul said as she took a seat next to TK at the bar. "Hey!
How spicy are we talking? 'Cause my Scotch-Irish constitution rejects any and all things cayenne." TK said and I giggled before kicking on the blender. "I like spicy." I said as Judd walked into the kitchen in a mood. "Yes." Mateo said as Judd took the other empty seat next to TK.
"All right, well, you can have bathroom duty then." Judd said pointing to Mateo. "Somebody's on one today." I said and he looked at me. "Is it that obvious?" He asked and I nodded before pouring my smoothie into a glass and gave some to TK. "I don't know." TK said before smiling at me to thank me for the smoothie. "Me and Grace had a little, uh... little disagreement before work." He said gripping the counter top so hard his knuckles were turning white. "You wanna talk about it?" I asked and he slammed his palm into the table. "Hell no." He yelled a little louder than anticipated making me jump back a little but Paul caught me before I slipped. "It's like the end of days out there. Hey, go take down the colors, 'cause we don't fly the flags in rough weather." Judd said to Mateo who was tossing the salad. "Well, why-why me? I got the salad?" Mateo said not wanting to do it but I was walking to the door with my cot to do it myself. "Bug come back your not going to do it." TK said and everyone looked at him confused. "Mateo's going to do it you come sit down." He said. "'Cause he's the probie." Judd said. "Yep." Mateo said before grabbing his coat and going outside and I grabbed my smoothie before going to upstairs to read my book since no one was up there.

"Keep your eyes open for street signs. Dispatch says the driver's GPS last pinged at 4th and Brazos." Dad said as we were looking for a reported car being picked up by the tornado. 
There's not a lot of 4th Street left, much less street signs. Hell of a thing, the randomness of tragedy." I said looking out the window of the truck. One side of the street
just lost everything, and the other side looks like it could be open for business tomorrow." TK said and I nodded. "Allah the most merciful, help all of them." Marjan said and Judd gave her a look. "I mean, if he was merciful, he wouldn't have let it happen in the first place, right?" He said looking at Marj. "I'm not about to question the Almighty, but I have faith." She said and I nodded. "You sound like my wife." Judd said as TK pointed out a sign. "Slow down. This is Brazos." He said and the truck began to slow down and stop. "Good God." I said getting out of the truck. Hello? Anybody in there? Austin F.D." Dad called out and we heard a woman yell. " Yes. I'm here." She called out and we immediately got to work. "We're gonna get you out. Just hang tight." Dad said and I mentally facepalmed. "It's not like she has a choice." TK said and I nodded. "Yeah, that thing's gonna drop any second." Paul said agreeing with me and TK. "We can't get the truck in there." Dad said looking at the situation. "How the hell are we getting up to that?" Judd asked and I shrugged. "We're not. We're gonna drop down onto it. Call in a crane and get it stabilized. Marjan, Paul, harness up. You're gonna rappel down from that roof right there." Dad said and I gave him the look of 'Are you out of your freaking mind?'. "Copy that." Marj said getting to the truck grabbing a harness. "Take probie with ya." Dad said as Paul turned around to wave Mateo on to come with. "Copy. Let's go." Paul said and they went. "Judd, deploy the rescue cushion." Dad said and Judd began to go grab the cushion. "Yes, sir." He said. "Hey, any update on that crane, boss?" Marjan asked as TK and Judd set the cushion up and TK began to air it. "Dispatch says it's hung up across town. We have to go without it." Dad said into the radio. "Copy." She said as the cushion finished airing up. We got them all down and packed up into the truck and I took a nap on the way to the station. My slumber lasted until I was woken up at 8:30 to a call. 

"Hey! Hey, over here!" A guy said as we got out of the truck and began grabbing a few tools. 
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, sir, sir. Sir, we got it from here. Hey, do me a favor. We need you to see the EMS, make sure you get yourself checked out." Dad said as we walked over to him. "Get off me!" The guy yelled at Judd who was trying to redirect this guy to the ambulance to get help. "Hey. Don't put your hands on me, sir." Judd said as the guy pushed him off. "My kids are in there! I'm not going anywhere." The guy yelled at us as he tried to fight his way back to the house. "It's okay. I'd have done the same thing. I'm a father too, but you gotta calm down so you can help us. How many kids are in this house?" My dad said looking back at me and TK. "Two. Ada, she's eight and-and Nico. They were supposed to be safe. I-I put them in the tub. That's what you're supposed to do, right? I just left for a second to get the damn cat. So why am I the one who's still out here while they're in there?" The guy asked what feels like a million questions and I started getting impatient. "We're gonna do everything we can." I snapped a little getting some looks from my dad and Judd. "So what are you waiting for?" The guy snapped back and before I could say anything my dad jumped in. "This house is very unstable. I can't send anybody in there until I get signs of life. But when we do we're going right in." Dad told him and I nodded cooling off a bit. "TK, prep the extraction tools. Judd, Marjan, set up the seismic sensors on the north side.
Paul, Alison, take the south and west. And everybody, work on your poker faces." Dad said dishing out orders for us. "Copy that, Cap." Judd said and we began setting up. 

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