Chapter 5

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"Austin FD! Open up! Got anything from Dispatch?" Dad asked Judd as we tried to get into the house. "They're supposed to be en route from dinner, but nobody can get ahold of them, so we got Animal Control coming." Judd said walking up to dad. "All right, take it." Dad said and I stepped out of the way. "All right." Judd said and we busted the door. "All right, let's find this nursery.Paul, Marjan, Mateo, Alison, you guys look upstairs. Watch your step. We're dealing with a 5-foot rattlesnake here. Do you have a name
on the babysitter?" Dad said and I nodded. "Danielle." I said and we began looking around. "Cap." I said and he looked at me. "Well, that's not good." He said and I shook my head. "Nope. Owners say there's a crack in the foundation. They threw a tarp over it
to create a moisture barrier, looks like that's what drew the snakes." I said and dad looked around for a moment. "All right, Judd and I will go in first. Blast those little bastards with some frosty CO-2. That'll give you guys enough time to get inside and get her out in the bag.
How far is EMS with the antivenom?" Dad said and looked at TK. "ETA is two minutes." TK said and I stood back. "You good to go?" Dad asked Judd and he shook his head. "Hell no! Let's go." He says and they began going in with CO-2.

"C'mon, it has to be The Ring Two or Final Destination 2 or The Grudge 3." I heard as I walked into the living room with my coffee sitting in front of TK and he started messing with my wet and tangled hair from my shower. "The scariest movies of all time." TK whispers in my ear catching me up before grabbing my brush from my hand. "All right, everyone knows
that the scariest movies are the ones where the monsters are inside of you." Paul said and I nodded. "The Shining.
Dude was crazy." I said and TK laughed at me before french braiding my hair. "Or The Exorcist where the demon's inside. Rosemary's Baby?" I heard looking at the TV not paying much attention anymore. I zone back in when I hear a bark from behind me. "What?" Marjan said and I turned around. "Hey!
I mean, that is a fine looking animal." Judd said and I nodded. "Everybody, say hello to the newest member of the 126. Buttercup." Dad said and I cocked an eyebrow. "No way! You mean we get to keep it?" Mateo asked and I smiled feeling some heat rise to my cheeks. "Dying of cuteness." Marjan said crouching next to the dog. "Oh, finally! I outrank someone." Mateo said and I giggled, more heat rising to my cheeks and paul laughed at me. "Oh yeah, you think he's gonna follow you around and clean up after you?" Dad asked Mateo and he shook his head. "Good point." He said petting the dog. "Seriously, Dad?" TK said and I leaned back into his lap. "What?" He asked and I shook my head. "We begged you our entire life's for a dog and you've always said no." TK said and I nodded. "We lived in an apartment in a high-rise. Who was gonna walk him?" Dad asked and I shrugged as TK wrapped his arms around me. "And what made you pick
this handsome fellow, Cap?" Marjan asked dad and I zoned out again.

"Hey Cap, I hope you worked up an appetite 'cause chicken fried steak is ready in 20 minutes, with pecan pie for dessert." Judd said and I stared down at my phone glowing with a text message. "You ok Ali? You've been awfully quiet today pumpkin." TK said leaning over and wrapping his arms around me. "Y-yea I'm fine T. Just tired is all I' really not hungry right now so I may go lay down for a bit." I said wiggling out of TK's grip and going to the bunks. "Alison wait up." Mateo said catching up to me and I wiped my face. "Y-yea probie?" I asked turning around another tear falling down my cheek. All I know that happened was suddenly there were arms around my waist. "A pretty girl like you doesn't deserve to cry so come on and let's talk." He said and before I knew it Mateo knew.

"Okay, your spot's ready! Hop on up, buddy!" Paul said as I curled up to TK. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Hey, baby, come to Auntie! Everyone knows Auntie has the best treats!" Marjan said and buttercup walked over to Marjan. "Come on! That is totally cheating. Besides, everyone knows that
Buttercup is a jerky man. Ain't that right, boy? Come here." Paul said and I giggled. "Somebody please turn the lights off. Also you guys are totally
embarrassing yourselves." TK said a bit grouchy. "TK's right. A good dog don't need no bribe. They just need to come up and feel who the alpha is. Buttercup, up! That's what I'm talking about." Judd said as buttercup jumped up on his bunk. "You see that?" Paul said. "Oh, man! You're breaking Auntie's heart." Marjan said and I shook my head before feeling a weight on my feet and TK sat up. "Hey! Hey. Get down. Get down, boy. Down! Get down, boy!" TK said and I looked down. "Man, you're being a dick to a cancer dog? That is not a good look, bro." Paul said and I giggled as TK shifted uncomfortably. "What is your deal Why do you hate him so much?" Marjan asked and TK shook his head. "I don't hate him, okay?" TK said before getting up and walking out. "I think he's cynophobic. It's fear of dogs, usually stemming from a childhood incident or trauma. Cesar did an episode about it." Mateo said and I shook my head getting up and following TK.

"You don't quit, do you?" TK said as buttercup plopped himself down next to TK. "I told ya. You're his favorite." I said and TK turned around and say me before sighing. "Hey, you can fool everybody else, but you can't fool me. I know you love that dog." I said walking up to TK and placing my hands on his shoulders rubbing them a bit. "No, I don't." He said trying to shrug my hands off. "Yeah, you do. You've loved every dog you've met since you were two." I said and he smiled a little. "Yeah, and dad still bought him in here.
This stupid brown-eyed, slobbering thing...he knew I was going to fall in love with it, and he knew that it was sick, and it's gonna die, and I won't be able to take that. I can't fall in love with
one more thing that I know I'm gonna lose, sis." TK said and I hugged him tightly. "I can't do it. He can't make me fall in love with this stupid dog." TK said hugging me back. "Yeah, I think this is about more than the dog." I said and TK groaned. "Of course it's more
than about the damn dog!" He yelled quietly pushing me off of him harder than he meant to. "I'm sorry sis..." He said and I got up and walked outside. "There's no guarantees, not for anybody." I said before shutting the door.

"Austin Fire and Rescue." Dad called as we entered the house and just as TK opened the door. "TK! TK!" Dad yelled and I stumbled backwards into Judd and he hugged me close. My big brother just got shot... "The whole team is here. I tried to get them to go home, but Marjan's out there getting them all hyped on caffeine, so I don't think they're going anywhere. I talked to our mom. That was a fun conversation. She went into full lawyer mode. She practically deposed the doctor, asked him a million medical questions. The good news is he told her they were able to reinflate your lung, but, um, we won't know about any brain issues until you wake up. But I told her not to worry, that her... beautiful, strong, resilient kid will be on his feet in no time. TK. If you can hear me, I want you to squeeze my hand, okay? Come back to me, bubba..." I spoke to my brothers almost lifeless looking body. "Officer Reyes. Would you like some time with him?" I asked biting back my tears as Carlos walked in. "I don't want to impose." He said and I shook my head. "No, I think, uh... I think he'd appreciate it. I know I would." I said before getting up and walking out of the room damn near collapsing as I walked back into the waiting room where the 126 was sat and everyone crowded around me. "He's gonna be ok kiddo I promise." Judd said to me hugging me tightly. I was shocked.

I never prayed much. It wasn't my forte but I had some help from Judd who sat next to me in the living room of the firehouse. "How are you holding up kid? I know it's hard seeing your brother get hurt." He said and I shook my head. "I just can't believe it Judd I really cant. I want to wake up and have this be a dream." I said my voice breaking into a sob at the end before I felt two smaller hands on my shoulders. "It's gonna be ok." The person behind me said before sitting next to me. "Thanks Mateo." I said leaning into his grip and Judd sat back. "Mateo ain't wrong kiddo your brothers strong he'll pull through."

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