Chapter four

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"I don't see a bull." I said as we pulled into happy Stan's. "Oh, that can't be a good thing." Judd said standing next to me. "All right, move the wounded to safety. Watch your backs. This bull's still on the loose. TK. Why don't you call dispatch? See if anybody has eyes on him. Let's grab some axes, just in case." Dad said and I nodded. "Oh, yeah, that's gonna do a lot of good against a 3,000-pound charging beast." Judd said and I giggled. "What kind of reckless idiot brings a rodeo bull into a car lot in the first place?" I asked looking at the place. "Happy Stan. That's Happy Stan? I recognize him from the commercials." Paul said and I nodded. "Yeah, well, he don't look too happy now." Judd said and I rolled my eyes. "Dispatch can't get us a 20 on the bull, but they're urging us to use extreme caution." TK said and I nodded. "Excellent." I said and dad lightly punched my shoulder. "I need you to move your hands so I can pack this wound and we can get you to the hospital, okay?" Captain Vega said assessing a patient and getting them into the ambulance. "See a bull run by?" I asked and TK looked at me. "Follow the trail." The patient said and I nodded and began on the trail in front of everyone else. "Good idea." I said. "Axes up." Dad said walking up to me and holding an axe up. "TK, call Animal Control. Give 'em our location." Dad said and Marjan walks up to me. "Poor thing." She said and I nodded. "APB, we're at Stan's Used Car Lot. We got a... we got a bull in a car." TK said calling in to Animal control.

"It's not too heavy? I'm getting a hernia
just looking at you." I said as dad put the equipment on his back. "No, I'm good. Come on, let's go." Dad said and TK pulled up the rules. "Okay, so on the day, Austin FD gives us 10 minutes and 20 seconds to run the course." He said looking at me and I nodded. "I'll do it in 9. Set the timer." Dad said and I nodded setting the timer. "All right, just don't kill yourself, all right? Three, two, one." TK said and I started the timer. "Dad, you got this. Come on." TK said and I watched timer in anxiety. "Dad?
Dad? Hey. Hey, hey." TK said as dad fell to the ground. "Hey, hey. Dad, you okay?" I asked crouching next to him. "Was I on pace?" He asked and I tilted my head. "What?" TK asked. "Was I on pace for under 10?" Dad asked and I shook my head. "You were at 13:22 when you passed out." I said and he sat up. "That is less than ideal. We're gonna get my time under 10 minutes
with slightly less passing out. Maybe I should get off of my chemo just-" Dad said and I shook my head quickly. "No, no. Absolutely not." I said and he wiped his forehead. "If I do not crush this test
and show the department that the cancer's not slowing me down, they will hand the 126 off to that smug bastard Billy Tyson." Dad said and I groaned. "Yeah, thanks to Judd." I said standing up and giving my dad a hand. "It's not Judd's fault." Dad said grabbing my hand and pulling himself up. "I know, I'm just pissed that he introduced you to that guy." I said going back to the time box and resetting it. "Billy would've been coming for me anyway." Dad said and I shook my head. "You just had to play golf with him, didn't you?" TK said and I giggled. "Well, you don't play with me." Dad said and he smiled. "Yeah, but I can learn." TK said and walked back towards me. "Look... I promise you no matter what happens,
even if I lose the house, I'm not gonna uproot you again." Dad said and I shook my head. "Dad, it's not about us." I said and he shook his head. "Well, it is
a little bit, but... it's because we're on your crew." I said fixing my sentence. "And that's all I care about. I mean, even this test, it's as much for them as it is for the department. They need to have confidence that their captain's up to the job." Dad said and I shook my head. Seems there's a lot of that going on. "Now that they know everything. But they don't know everything." Dad said and I cocked my eyebrows. "You-you told them about the cancer, you told them about Billy, but they didn't know that this stupid test was your idea." I said. "Yeah, I'm not sure
how much confidence that would've instilled." Dad said walking towards TK and I. "Yeah, tell me about it." TK said and I nodded. "Come on. Let's go again.
Grab my helmet." Dad said and we resumed the test.

"Hey, I am all for supporting the captain, all right? It's not about the cancer. It's about this test that he is never gonna be able to pass, and if this Billy bud gets the keys to the kingdom,
you know he's gonna clean house." Paul said as I walked into the kitchen grabbing my coffee from the fridge. "Whoa, hang on a minute. Man, you don't know that." Mateo said and I shook my head. "Look, he and the captain don't approach things the same way, but Billy ain't a bad guy. He ain't gonna come through here with a scythe
just 'cause we ain't his people." Judd said and I looked at them. "Y'all may want to watch what y'all say in front of his kid." I said scaring the crowd before walking out and to the bunks.

"Hi! He's here. He's here. He must've cut a wire or something. Right this way." A lady said and we followed her back. "I did my best to clear it off him, but- His name is--is Chad." She said and I paused for a moment looking at the situation. "TK, you check his ABCs
till medical gets here. Everybody, be careful of all this exposed wiring, and Marjan, Mateo, why don't you find the breaker box. Kill all the power." Dad said and the three did as they were asked. "All right, airways are open. Respiration's okay." TK said as médical walked in and I walked out and into the kitchen as Marian and Mateo walked out of the house. "Wait, if he was holding on to a live wire, how come his hands aren't burned? Which wire?" I asked walking towards the guys hand. "It was that one." She said pointing to a wire and I traced her path. "This one that ain't connected to nothing?" I asked her and suddenly this became a whole 'nother issue. "Look, he was literally vibrating." The lady said and I moved the wire. "Captain Strand. He's got a medical alert medallion. He has epilepsy. He wasn't electrocuted. He's postictal. Let's get him on a backboard. Give him D-50 to get him hydrated." Michelle said and the med team did as told. "He was having a seizure?" The lady asked frantically and I nodded. "Sure seems that way." I said and she widened her eyes. "Oh, my God, I beat-I beat an epileptic.With a 2x4.Chad, I am so sorry." She said and I facepalmed. "I did not beat you out of anger, and I really need you to know that." She said as medical rolled him out. "Well, that's one way to hit on a guy." I whispered to TK and he laughed.

Here's a short update for now I'm just busy with school and band now so it'll take me a bit to update based on the scripts so if you want to read quickly updated stories I suggest one of my other stories which are written by hand and not by scripts :)

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