Chapter 6

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Days off are the best. My favorite part is being able to sleep longer or even just sit around for the whole day. My days off usually consist of intense baking planning meals for myself as I plan to move out soon. Todays baking challenge is bread bagels and a cake for TK's sobriety party. Speaking of which this time I have a baking buddy. "Hey Chica." Carlos said opening the door and I giggled. "Hi Carlos come on in I am just working on the bread right now and then I'll start the cake so pick your poison. Watch the bread, start the bagels, or help me make the cake and frosting." I said and Carlos laughed at me. "I'll watch the bread for now and maybe next time I can help do something else." He said and I nodded. "Alrighty." I said and I heard my phone ring. "Can you get that please?" I asked Carlos and he nodded grabbing my phone, answering it, and putting it on speaker on the counter. "Alison Strand speaking how can I help you?" I said and I heard a sigh. "Ali?" The voice said and I recognized it immediately. "Hello mrs. Aston. To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked and Carlos looked at me confused. "My ex's mom" I mouthed and he nodded before looking at the bread which was a darker color. "I just wanted to see how you were doing honey." She said and I giggled. "Why thank you mrs. Aston. I am doing very well but I am very busy I'm going to have to call you back." I said and she sighed. "Alright dear have a good day." She said and I hung up. "I think the breads done." Carlos said and he opened the oven, the sweet scent of pumpkin and spices coming out if it. "That smells like fall." He said and I nodded. "Good that's what it's supposed to smell like." I said booping his nose and setting the pan down.

"How'd you learn to bake like this?" Carlos asked as the front door opened. "My ex-" I started before TK bolted into the living room. "where is he. I'm ready this time." He said and I giggled hugging him. "Not him his momma." I said and he nodded. "Good." TK said hugging Carlos. "The bar downtowns open now if you wanna go." TK said and I shook my head. "I'm not feeling great so I'm just gonna go grocery shopping and then cook some dinner for you and dad later." I said and with that both TK and Carlos were out the door. I went out and to the market near the house. I bought some groceries and began my trip home when I got a phone call. "Is this mrs. Strand?" The man asked and I knitted my eyebrows. "This is she. May I ask who's speaking?" I asked back to the man. "This is your doctors office calling about some test results for you." He said and I got anxious. "What test results exactly?" I asked and he cleared his throat.

"Your pregnant mrs. Strand..." the guy said and I froze in the door way. "Oh my- ok when can I come for an ultrasound?" I asked shakily as I set the bags on the counter. "In about 8 weeks which will mark your 11th week, I'll put you down for it and see you then right mrs strand?" He said and I cleared my throat and steadied myself. "Yes sir. Thank you have a good night." I said hanging up the phone before calling Michele. "Michele I don't know what to do. I can't tell my dad and I can't tell TK. Michele I'm freaking out!" I said pacing the floor. "Ok calm down sweetheart it's going to be ok do you want to come over and I'll make some tea and we can figure it out?" Michele asked me and I sighed. "Yes that would be nice I'll be there in a little bit." I said hanging up and grabbing one of TKs hoodies and my backpack before heading to my car. I drove to Michele's house.

Carlos and I came home about two hours after we left due to having no particular interest in the bar. "Ali we're home!" I called to my sister as we walked in. "I didn't see her car when we pulled in do you think she went out?" Carlos asked and I shrugged before seeing her backpack missing from its usual spot by the door. "Her bag is gone as well. Maybe she did go out but she said she wasn't feeling good and she wouldn't make up an excuse not to come with us. Let's just wait it out in the living room and watch a movie." I suggested to Carlos and he nodded. We got comfortable on the couch and started a movie but before I knew it I was out.

(Alison's POV)
I walked and heard the TV as I stepped into the kitchen. I turned to the living room and saw TK leaning against Carlos' shoulder asleep but Carlos was still awake. "Hey Chica where have you been? TK was worried about you." He said and I sighed and walked into the living room. "I went to visit Michele I had a couple questions about something but we got it sorted out. I'm pretty beat though so I'm gonna go to bed good night." I said quickly before walking up the stairs and into my room. I paced around before hearing a knock on my door. "Come in." I said and saw Carlos. "What's going on with you Chica. Your all jumpy and you've been nauseous and sick recently. I won't tell TK or your dad if you don't want me too. I just want to know what's going on." He said placing his hand on my shoulder to stop the pacing before pulling into his arms where I began sobbing. "Shhh Chica it's ok..." he said softly smoothing my hair. "It's not that I can't tell you it's that I don't know how Carlitos..." I said quietly and he nodded pulling me out of his chest and cupping my face in his hands. "Tell me how you want to Chica explain as much or as little as you want." He said rubbing his face across my cheek. I explained to him everything and he nodded.

"Does TK know?" He asked and I shook my head. "I found out about three hours ago." I said and he nodded. "When do you plan on telling TK? Or your dad for that matter. Your a firefighter and doing stuff like that probably isn't good." He said and I shrugged. "I don't know Carlos." I said and he nodded. "You know TK Will support you hes your brother. Your dad may be against it for a little but I'm sure  he'll come around. And if you want me around when you tell them I'll be here." He said and I smiled a little. "Thank you Carlitos." I said and I hugged him. He hugged me close and kissed the top of my head like I was a baby that had hit its head.

"Ali? Can you come down here please?." TK called me from my room. 'Oh no.' I thought as I slipped a jacket over my shoulders. "Yes?..." I asked hesitantly as I approached the dining room. "Do you want anything from the Chinese takeout? Or did you eat at Michele's?" TK asked me and I shook my head. "I'm not hungry T I wanna go to bed..." I said walking back upstairs and to my room taking my jacket off and laying on my bed as I got a text message.

'Is this Alison?'

'Uhm... yea who is this?'

'It's me honey. It's momma.'


'Yes baby it's me I promise you'

I tossed my phone onto my nightstand before getting up and looking around my unorganized room before hearing a knock on my door. "Come in." I said blankly picking up some clothes near the door. "I know you said you weren't hungry but I bought you some of your favorite noodles with the orange chicken and green beans. You don't have to eat it now but it's here for later." TK said setting the plate of noodles and chicken on my desk. "Thanks." I said and he walked out shutting the door behind him. I stood against it for a minute before finally sliding down it and breaking into a sob. "Chica?... Chica wake up." Carlos said shaking me gently. "Go away..." I replied shakily and he pulled me close. "What's going on?" He asked me quietly smoothing my hair and letting me rest against him. "I wanna tell TK but I can't Carlos he'll hate me." I said not noticing the boy on my bed. "Tell me what? Why would I hate you?" TK asked frantically. 'Shit.' I said in my head and Carlos shook his head. "Do you want to tell him right now?" Carlos asked me and I nodded slowly bitting my lip. "I wasn't feeling good the other day after going out with a friend and I drank a bit..." I started my voice breaking a little at the end and before I knew it TK was on the floor in front of  me with a new form in his eyes. Something I had only seen in him once. Anger.

"You didn't. Did someone-" TK started but i shook my head really quick. "No I threw myself on him. We... you know and now I got my test results today after putting them off... TK... your going to be an uncle..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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