Chapter three

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"All right, Paul, Marjan, why don't you work the crowd, see if you can treat
some of these people to lighten the load
for medical. Probie!" Dad called as we walked into the club if our current call. "Yes, sir?" Mateo said walking up to my dad. "Check the champagne room. Always something bad going on up there." dad said and I gave him a questionable look. "How would you know that?" I asked him and he shook his head. "That is not important." He said as we pushed through some people to get to a pair of girls. "Make a hole. Make a hole." Dad yelled and people cleared the way. "Stop moving, bitch!" One girl screamed as we got to the girls and I shielded my eyes. "That's not an interesting Texas every day sight is it?" I ask Judd and he looked at me. "You have to let go of my hair!" The other girl yelled. "Ladies, ladies, you need to calm down, and you gotta stay still. I thought these crowns were supposed to be made out of plastic." Dad said looking at the girls. "It's a tiara, not a crown, and it's platinum. I don't do plastic!" One of the girls smart mouthed to my dad and I facepalmed. "You are plastic." the other girl said and I laughed a bit before getting an elbow from my brother in disapproval. "Is this tiara woven into your scalp?" Nancy asked the girl with the tiara and the girl gave a duh look. "Yes, I paid my stylist $285 to do it like Princess Meghan. So yes!" The girl yelled and I facepalmed again. "Wow." I said and I got another elbow this time from Judd. "All right. We're gonna have to cut this out. Shears." Michelle said and Nancy handed her the shears. "No, no, no. You can't cut my hair! My wedding's in three days." The girl said and walked myself backwards to go check on probie since I hadn't seen him in a hot second. 

"Dr. Shriver to NICU. Dr. Steven Shriver, please report to NICU." A voice over the PA system said as we sat in the chemotherapy room. "TK." Dad said and TK jumped up and grabbed his bag. "You need something? I got peppermint oil or, uh, saltines, ginger chews, um, headphones..." TK started listing and I giggled at him. "You're freaking out." Dad said and I nodded in agreement. "I'm not freaking out. I'm kind of freaking out." TK said and I stood up to stretch my legs. "It's okay." I told him and he nodded. "I was too the first time." Dad said and I smiled softly at the two. "Hey. Thanks for being with me." Dad said looking at me and TK. "Of course. I can't believe you've been dealing with everything on your own. To juggle it with the job, that's insane." TK said practically stealing the words out of my mouth. "It's been a lot, but... Oof." Dad said and TK jumped up again. "You nauseous?" TK said and I laughed and patted his shoulder. "I will be when the advice starts." Dad said and I saw the guy sit next to him. "Captain Strand, good to see ya. How you doing?" The guy said and I shook my head. He was already giving me a headache. "All right. Good to see ya. This is TK, my boy. And Alison my daughter." Dad introduced us and I silently waved not wanting to be rude but also not wanting to speak. "Oh, so you finally came clean. Good for you. Howdy. Wayne Gettinger." The guy said and TK looked him up and down. "Hi." He said and I silently giggled. "You got your pop's QB-1 looks. Lucky boy. Oh, hey, let's do the left side today, Jan. I wanna visit with my friends, okay? So TK, you local? Uh, or are you just coming to visit the old man?" The guy asked TK completely ignoring my existence which was fine by me I just put in my airpods and tuned everyone out.  

"Hey." A lady asked walking into the station as I was watching probie and TK clean the truck. "Can I help you?" I ask her and she walked closer to me. "Yeah, I'm looking for Paul." She said and I looked around. "Strickland?" I called and he came around the corner his face lighting up when he saw the girl. "You got a visitor." I said and I looked at the boys up on the truck. "Back to work you two before I make you clean it with your toothbrushes." I said and they got back to work no doubt listening to the conversation as I sat down and put one of my headphones in and listening to music while watching the two boys on top of the truck. "Yeah, Paul! You stud. Pow, pow, pow." TK said doing a weird dance that I no doubt caught on camera. "Shut up, shut up, shut up." Paul said before walking into the kitchen with the basket of goods. 

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