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"Are we there yet?"


"Oh my god, we've been driving for 2 HOURS. WHERE THE HELL IS THIS PLACE???"

"&#*;3#4 Entertainment said they put it in the forest to keep it secretive and safe."

"And they didn't tell us where?"

"But they said it's like..somewhere in the middle of the forest. Keep an eye out for any indicators. Like maybe some lights, structures, etc. I'll try to get to the middle with the help of our GPS."

"Dude, this truck doesn't have much fuel. What about the return trip? What if we run out and get stuck?! Besides, those robots in the back weighing us down is costing us EXTRA fuel."

"Can you stop being so pissy? I'm sure we'll find it in a sec."


A loud noise from the back of the truck was heard.

"....Did one tip over??"

"...I dunno.."
"Why don't you go check? I'm the one driving after all."
"Besides we gotta make sure none of them are damaged. I am NOT getting anything deducted off my paycheck. We don't get paid enough as is."

"Fine, but i'm taking your flashlight. Mine's outta juice."

The other man got up and went into the back of the truck. Leaving the driver alone.





Minutes had gone by.
Still no sign of him back.

"Where the hell is he?.."
"This should not be taking this long."

Suddenly, loud metallic footsteps were heard walking up to the driver.

It was Foxy. There was blood on his animatronic body.

"There you are, I was starting to worry."

He hadn't looked back to check. Still driving.
But in that moment..He realized his mistake.

"Wait you don't sound like-"

Suddenly a scream was heard.
Followed by another scream.
The driver's scream.

The camera turned away from the movement to the windshield, hiding what was happening. But eventually blood splattered onto the windshield.

With the driver dead, the truck began to lose control. Tumbling over and-


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