DAY 1.

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Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

After a few minutes, someone finally picked up the phone.

"Hi Y/N! What's up?"

"Hi F/N. Just wanted to tell you a quick lil update on the job I told you about.."
"I got the job!!!"

"Really?! That's amazing! Good job!"
"How lengthy was the interview? Must've been long considering it pays 150 dollars an hour."

"Oh wasn't actually that long."
"They had me just sign a contract and I got the job!"

"...Really? That quick?"


"Did you at least read what was in the contract?"


"You idiot. That's how companies trick you! They probably put something in there like the job doesn't actually pay that much or something."

"Oh you worry too much. I'm sure it's nothing."

"No one would pay that much for a job as simple as sitting in an underground facility with free food."

"'re making me regret my choice!!"
"I'm almost there anyway, this forest is so dark it's unbelievable.."

"Fine..but I'm warning you!! If your first day is even a lil suspicious I'd recommend not staying."

"Alright, alright. Have a good night okay?"

"You too!! Good luck!!!"

You placed your cellphone in your pocket, as you slowly began to see some bright white lights fade in the distance.

"This must be it.."

You drove near the entrance, parking your car and promptly getting out and locking it.

From the outside, it didn't look that special. Just a small building with no coloring or anything like that. You could still pretty much see the bricks on the walls. Though ontop of the building were two big bright wall headlight looking lights shining down onto you. The building had one single security camera as well.

You entered inside, spotting just a single dingy elevator.

You quickly checked your watch before entering the elevator. It was still 11 PM. would be 12 AM soon.

"Alright..I'm not late."

You entered the elevator, looking around inside. Before suddenly it springed to life, shaking a bit.


But then, everything was back to normal. As the elevator lights turned on, the elevator began slowly moving down.

And then, a voice was heard. Coming out from inside the elevator?..

"Hello and welcome to your new job, employee."

"I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I'm a model 3 of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit Repair System. But, you can call me HandUnit."
"Now, I will need to explain a few things."

"But first, have you brought a flashlight?"

A little screen came up infront of you, with the choices: "Yes." and "No."
You picked "No." As you didn't think you'd need one.

"In that case, I will keep the lights on until 3 AM. It is heavily recommended to find a flashlight in this time as during the night, all lights are shut off to save on power. As you'll be staying here for a week."

"Wait what? Staying here for a week??"

"As your contract states, this is a one way trip. After this I will deactivate the elevator until next week. To ensure you aren't slacking off and leaving inbetween shifts."

"F/N was right..I should've read the contract..."
"Well, I'm sure it can't be that bad." "Free food for a whole week!"
"Only problem is I might get bored..."

"Now, each day I will temporarily activate to give you a list of tasks you'll need to do. After the week is over and every task is not done, you will be terminated. Along with your paycheck."

"So I get tasks every day? Shouldn't be too hard. I have all day and night after all."

"Remember, it's YOUR responsibility to keep this place up and running. So clean it up and keep it running."

Then in a really quick manner, the voice said something:

"Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for any of the following during your shift, such as: Death, injury, horrible nightmares, lasting trauma and lastly not responsible if you were to go missing."

"Huh? What??"

You didn't catch anything it said, but reassured yourself it was probably some glitch that made it speed up.

"Hopefully whatever it said wasn't important.."

"Good luck employee. We're rooting for you."

Soon after, the elevator slowly came to a stop. Making a loud thud.
The doors slowly opened, the metal doors screeching as it opened.
It revealed a completely dark room infront of you.

"Didn't it say it'd turn the lights o-"

Just then, several bright lights on the ceiling started turning on periodically. This place infront of you wasn't just a was a massive looking warehouse.
You stepped out the elevator, looking around.

To your left there was some signs saying "Office", "Generators" and etc.

To your right was the food court.

And in the middle there were ton of those warehouse shelves. Some empty, some full with boxes. Spanning across a few rows.

"This place is so cool.."
"Though I should look for that flashlight. Don't wanna be left in the dark in three hours."

So you went to your left, passing the sign and going into the hallway labeled as "Office".
Judging by the name, this hallway led to the office of the building. Surely a flashlight would be there right?

Unknown to you however, the clock would strike 12.
Your first night shift now begins.

"Your daytime is over."
"Don't let us down, employee."

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