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"This thing on?"
"Ah, good. Finally."
"So, company policy says we need to now record anything related to parts and service stuff. Like what I'm doing now."

There was Freddy, right there standing in the room.

"As you can see here I've got Freddy here in parts and service. All the others are already gone as they've already been used for parts. Though I haven't heard back from the technicians who worked on them. Probably all got sick after?"

"Haven't seen them at all though.."
"Eh, I'm sure it's nothing."

The person holding the camera put it on a desk nearby.

"So, I brought in this desk as I needed something to put my tools and camera onto while I work on this thing. I don't know if it has anything we can salvage but I'll try to use whatever I can here."

"Right off the bat, his eyes look messed up. Don't think we can use those.."
"But we could probably salvage one of his limbs. Or face."
"Bonnie got the same treatment, but at least the company saved some money from him."

"Now..let's see here.."
"Any way I can get those limbs to move?"

The man stood there for a second, thinking.

"Well, they did give me this remote. It activates parts of his body. To test them out I guess?"
"Let's try the head."

The man pressed a button on the remote, as Freddy activated and started to move his head.

"Alright, that seems good so far."
"We could probably use parts of his endo then. I just gotta check out more of his limbs."

The man pressed another button, Freddy's arms starting to move.

"Alright, that looks good too!"

This repeated some more times, until the technician had tested out all of Freddy's limbs.

"By what I'm seeing, mostly everything appears to be fine and working on Freddy. This means we definitely could fully salvage him."
"Now let me just get my tools.."

The man went over to the camera and was about to grab something from the desk before the power cut.

"...Seriously? What kind of timing is that?"
"I can't see anything..damnit."
"Where's my flashlight.."

Some shuffling could be heard, though nothing was visible as it was dark.

"Ah, I think this is it."

A button click was heard as a bright light flashed across the screen, the flashlight being turned on.

"Now I can see."

The technician flashed near Freddy, making sure he was still there.

"Alright, for some reason I thought he'd be gone."
"Now, I'm gonna try and go see what's wrong with the power. I'll be right back whoever's watching this."

The man left, closing the parts and services door behind him.

A few minutes passed, as Freddy's eyes turned on. Light being shined through them.
He got up and left. But there wasn't any indication where he went.

Then a few more minutes later the man returned.

"Yeah I have no clue what's broken-"

"..Where's Freddy??"

The man approached the camera, picking it up. Holding the flashlight in his other hand.

"Did someone come and move him?"
"But I swear I didn't hear anyone enter the building.."
"God why'd I have to be doing this at night.."

The man sighed, before the parts and services door SLAMED behind him.


He quickly began trying to open the door. But it was now locked.


Some laughter was heard.


The camera and the man both faced behind him.
Shining the flashlight, Freddy was right infront of him. Standing there.


Then, the flashlight died.

"Shit! No! Not now!"

He was left in the dark panicking, until Freddy's eyes lit up again. As he began to sing his song:

"O-Oh my god.."

He continued his song. Staring at the man. Not speaking. Not moving.
The man watched in fear, with no escape available.

The camera became shaky, as the man started shaking as he held the camera.

And then..a few minutes later. His song ended. The darkness consumed the room again as his eyes lit off.

The man breathed heavily in the dark. Scared out of his mind.


In that moment, Freddy's eyes lit up again as he charged at the camera.


The camera froze.

[...TAPE END.]



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