Chapter Sixteen (Final chapter)

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Honestly? I never though things would turn out like this. I never thought that I would be sitting on the couch surrounded by the five boys I've grown to love for the same things I used to be terrified of. Liam, he's tall and strong but it's not threatening anymore, it's safe. Niall, who could ever be afraid of Niall? His sweet laugh and kind heart, all he does is love people. Louis, his loud personality and hyperness, it used to be terrifying but now it's endearing. Zayn, sweet Zayn with his calm words and soothing ways. And of course, Harry. Harry, my biggest support system.

Trusting them all came in time, individual events that showed me I could trust them, completely. For Niall, it was when he took me camping a few weeks ago, we slept under the stars and talked about everything and anything for hours on end. But the time we fell asleep I realized he cared, so much about me and my family. I haven't flinched from him since that day. Niall sits on my far right, beside Liam.

Sweet, strong Liam. Our connecting moment was when I went back to school, a bunch of girls thought they could pick on me, and they got their boyfriends to beat me up. I remember Liam picking me up from school the one day and witnessing them all. He pulled me behind him protectively and puffed out his chest, telling them that if any of them ever touched me ever again, they would forget it. After that day Liam taught me to fight, to protect myself. He's the reason I grew strong, was able to trust everyone else because I can protect myself now. Liam is sat beside Zayn.

Zayn, now Zayn is interesting, I've connected with him from the beginning and I don't think there was a moment I didn't fully trust him, I just didn't realize it. Zayn took me out to the barn last night, I taught him to ride a little bit and we went on a trail. Since Beau is recovered fully from being drugged we've been training for a jumpers circuit. But back to Zayn, his constant support and love and advice is what finally got me through everything. Zayn is sitting beside me and I'm sitting beside Harry.

As it turns out, I wasn't the only one keeping secrets. Harry came out as gay last month, he and Louis have been together since X factor. Apparently I was the only one who was surprised cause everyone else seemed to mow already. I did eventually tell Harry what happened to me, and he accepted it in a stride, holding me close and promising I was safe with him. Harry is sitting beside Louis.

Louis and I bonded a few months ago when I ate too much ice cream and sprinkles, I got really hyper and we played football for almost two hours, before I had a sugar crash and fell asleep in the middle of our field. He took a nap with me and was right there to hold my hair back when I threw up all of the ice cream. But I have never forgotten the day he attacked Jason for me. He saved my life and I know and for that? He's become one of my best friends.

Speaking of Jason, he's in prison, I don't think he'll be getting out for a long time. Everyone says he got what he deserves and it only took me a few months to stop flinching at every shadow.

So that leads me to where I am today, sitting on a massive couch being interviews with my family for an article about teens dealing with abuse. I'm speaking out about my story. I'm getting it out so no one has to feel alone, ever again. And I know with the support of Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis and my big brother Harry, that I can make a difference in the world.

My name is Ariana Styles, and this is my story.

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