Zayn 22

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Well let me just say. I'm not ready for this!!! I can't handle it! He needs to go back to bed and celebrate tommorow. No. I can't they're all growing up!!! FML.

Ok, my meltdown is sorta kinda out of the way, not really but let me just start and get this going so I can ramble and cry and sh*t like that. 

So Zayn, you're 22... Twenty Two... T W E N T Y     T W O..... Nope. Frick ok. Happy birthday my friend! You're achiving so much more every year. It's crazy. Five years ago, you were literally just a kid who liked art and singing, a kid with a normal life, a kid who got up to go to school every morning. Then your mum dragged your ass out of bed to your audition and damn are we glad she did. 

If you hadn't have gotten up that morning you would be getting up today to go to univeristy, might even be your last year. You would be having childish parties and getting drunk every night... Ok yeah I'm kidding. You're a smart guy. You'd be studying something you love. You wouldn't know Perrie and definitly wouldn't be engaged to the love of your life. 

I don't think you would be nearly as mature or adult as you are without the band. You didn't have your mum around all the time to baby you or clean up after you and in turn, you matured and grew more independent because you had to do it all for yourself. 

Because you got up that morning and went to that audition you have four best friends that will be by your side no matter what. You all go through the same things and you all have the same experiances. That will help you in the long run, you will all understand eachother and be able to stay friends. 

I know you don't have a lot of time on your hands to get married. But when you do, you have the entire fandom behind you, supporting you... and taking over twitter. Just think of the hashtags we'll come up with. Or don't.... I'm ok with that too. 

I personally hope that at some point or another before you're too old to truely enjoy it, you have kids of your own, but we all understand how busy you are. But still, we can dream haha. 

Anyways. Before I ramble on too much I'll just say thanks, thank you for being a constant in my life for the past few years. There's been a lot of personal issues in the past few years and I haven't been entirely sure of who to trust or believe in but you five have been a constant. If I had a bad day I could always come home and watch videos or listen to music. 

You all have said before that you love us all and we believe you. You thank us at every chance you get and you don't have to. You do meetings and signings, you take endless pictures with fans and you don't have to. You make these videos, reminding us that you care and you don't have to. It's these little things that count to us all.

People can judge, they can tell us it's just a band but that's because no one understands the things that you all have actually done for us. I didn't understand the things you did for us until I actually sat down and thought about it. But I thank you for what you do.

It's a good thing you have fun with what you do because that's what's important, that if you don't enjoy yourself people will see that, if you don't have a genuine friendship with the others, we would all see that because you can't fake it. 

You don't have to preform as well as you do and I don't think people see that. You don't have to run around, jump around, goof off. You do because you have fun doing it and you want to put on a good show. You want us to have fun and you all make sure we're ok. So thank you for that. 

Happy birthday Zayn, to many more

-There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world because there's so much more to the book then the page you were stuck on- Zayn Malik



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