Chapter six: Yes Or No

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"Perrie Edwards, I've loved you from the moment we met and I promise to love you for the rest of our lives, would you do me the great honor of being my wife?" He asks, she looks at him in pure shock



Everyone at the table looks at them. Perrie looks purely shocked and Zayn looks more nervous by the second

"Zayn" she repeats "I-I, you, yes" she stutters out. He sighs in relief while sliding the ring on her finger and standing up to kiss his soon-to-be-bride

"I love you" he murmurs

"well, we're all going out to give you two some... space" Louis says, gesturing at the door. We all leave the room

"don't eat all the cake" Niall yells and we all pile into one of the cars

"I don't think we have to worry about the cake..." Liam trails off as we pull out of the driveway

"anyone up for mini golf?" Harry asks

"it's pitch black outside" I tell him

"so? You afraid I'm gonna kick your butt?" He taunts

"nope more afraid you're gonna be all grumpy when I win" I shoot back, he raises an eyebrow

"you're on Styles" he challenges

"right back at you... older Styles" Everyone laughs and we pull up to a glow in the dark mini golf place. The owner raises an eyebrow at our attire, right we're still dressed like waiters.... Oh well

"five please" Liam says, swiping his credit card, the owner hands us all golf clubs and Louis immediately turns to Liam making star wars noises and waving it around. much to my surprise Liam jumps right in

"nerom zerom lerom" Louis hums while waving around his golf club

"hwatcha!" Liam yells, swinging it at Louis who blocks it

"you two! Stop that!" The lady yells at us. I giggle and poke Harry with mine, he turns around and holds it like a sword

"you wanna go!?! Huh!?!" He yells playfully at me and we begin to 'sword fight' with ours. Niall is trying to bend his in half

"All of you! Stop or get out!" The woman yells. We stop goofing around, grab our golf balls and hurry into the mini golfing area. As we start Liam takes a shot, getting the ball close to the hole. Harry hits too hard and the ball roles back up to us, he pouts and walks off the course. Louis misses the ball three times in a row before finally gets it to move about three inches forward. Niall's shot goes airborn and he leaves to go fetch it. I line my shot up and hit the ball gently but firmly, it rolls straight into the hole. I smirk smugly at the boys and we move on to the next. By the end of the game I won, Liam second, Niall third, Louis forth and Harry last. As I suspected he pouts the whole drive home.

"come on Hazza, you're not that bad" I tell him as we pull into the driveway, he looks over to me, eyebrow raised

"Ari, you can't lie" he tells me before hopping out of the van. I shrug and follow, grabbing his hand

"I know, but I get points for trying" I point out. We walk into the house and sit at the table, Zayn and Perrie nowhere to be found so naturally, we eat the cake. My eyes are getting heavy and I yawn

"alright, bed time for you" Harry says, I smile at everyone and head up the stairs. 

After brushing my teeth and pulling on pajamas I crawl into bed, Harry walks in and tucks the blankets around me before kissing the top of my nose

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