7 (26.07.2023)

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The worst parts of my day are the meals. When I sit at the table and look at the food on my plate I already think how much I should eat.

I know some people would call it an eating disorder but it's not what I'm feeling.

My body doesn't tell me that I can't eat.

I found some form of comfort that's so dear to me which keeps me alive in especially shitty times. When I feel hopeless and done with life I skip a meal or two or three and I feel somehow just a little bit better. I feel that I have control over that and I'm not loosing it like with the rest of my life.

I can't exactly tell what my relationship with food is- it's not friendship nor hate.

Cravings are the worst. When your mind tells you that you would enjoy that food a lot but the next second discourages you from putting anything else in your mouth for the rest of the day.

And everything begins when I wake up, every day, the same struggle:

Breakfast is the easiest to skip I always sleep in late to just get rid of it without bigger suspicion from my family.

Lunch is harder my only option is to put a small portion on my plate and hopefully leave something uneaten.

Dinner is usually the meal I actually eat to get at least some food in my body so I don't die yet.

When I'm in school everything is much less difficult (excluding life).

In the morning I wake up to give myself perfectly the amount of time to get ready but not for breakfast.

For lunch I'm still in school. I almost never buy myself food when I don't bring it from home and when I do I usually don't eat it and say that I didn't have time.

Dinner is still the only thing I eat and can't actually skip but I still manage to eat as little as possible.

It's a love-hate relationship and I'm not willing to change it. Of course I get a lot of questions about my portions when eating or why I never eat but I can always think of an excuse and make it believable.

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