8 (30.07.2023)

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Cut it off!

Cut it off like a string attached to your arm...

I just want those feelings to go away so I take a blade and try to take them out:

Through my skin,

Through my blood, 

Through my deeply hurt heart. 

I've been feeling so numb... Even the worst times feel like  a normal day- just keep existing and it will be fine. I can't kill myself- too scared of failure and the consequence of everyone knowing that it's a burden for me to stay alive.

,, Don't be so sensitive"- I say to myself hoping the urge will slowly fade- but it never does; it only gets stronger making it's way towards the deepest parts of my mind searching for the light that's still hiding in the corner of it's eye. When it finds the remaining spark it crushes it with ease, continuing it's journey to make the hope die out... 

It's the feeling of comfort and relief that comes when I feel the stinging sensation on my skin that for a while stops it in it's path , putting it to rest.

This euphoric feeling doesn't last long and in just a second guilt and regret come running to me.

,,It was worth it"- a break from the noise in my head even if for a few minutes is the best thing I could get. There aren't any tears in my eyes- I never cry I wasted all of them years ago and they aren't coming back.

Now cover it up! Put a smile on your face! Go out to the world and act like it never happened!

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