"I disappointed you." (Price/Ghost/Soap/König / reader)

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Summary - the entire team was becoming worried about you. You stopped eating, you never seemed to sleep, you were always doing something in the gym. Price is determined to figure it out.

Warnings - mentions of eating disorders, mental health issues, sleep deprivation, self harm

Soap and Ghost were whispering in a corner when you passed them, you were heading to the gym.

"Y/n, hey!" Soap called after you as you passed. "You should come to breakfast with me and Ghost." Soap was very aware that you hadn't been eating enough recently, and he was determined to do something about it.

You kept walking. "Can't, sorry." You were monotone.

"We need to talk to Price. Very soon." Ghost spoke quietly. "They need help."

As you made your way past the mess hall you accidentally made eye contact with König. Fuck. The moment he realized you weren't sleeping he wouldn't stop pestering you about it. You didn't want to be mad at him. But you were exhausted.

He ran up to you. "Y/n! How did you sleep last night?" The dreaded question.

"Fine." You kept walking, he followed like a puppy.

"You have raccoon eyes, y/n." He pointed out. "You are also not very convincing." That comment struck a nerve.

You stopped walking. You turned to him, a death glare in your eyes. "What the fuck is your damage?" You yelled. "Can you leave me alone for one damn day? You act like you're fucking obsessed with me!" You immediately felt bad for yelling at him, but he wasn't following you when you walked away this time.

Ghost and Soap walked up to him. "Price?" König mumbled. The men nodded.

You had recently been finding your peace in beating the shit out of dummies in the gym. The ballistics gel wasn't as damaging on your hands. Well, at first it wasn't. At this point you were in that gym nearly 14 hours a day, and it was starting to fuck up your body. You ignored it the best you could.

There was a long break in missions ahead of you, unless an unexpected one popped up, you had plenty of time to heal your hands. Unfortunately, you didn't plan to let them rest much.

You barely reacted when blood was pouring from your knuckles again, no point in wrapping them right now, you'd clean up later.

After getting in a good few rounds, you became very dizzy. You were sweating, but you felt freezing. You decided to sit down.

——————prices office—————-

Soap was leading the conversation. He only used König and Ghost as confirmation. "Y/n has been actively killing themself." He was speaking quickly. "They never fucking sleep, never eat, I haven't seen them outside of the gym for more than 20 minutes in WEEKS."

The other two men nodded. Price was looking at them strangely, the concern was growing. "How do you know they haven't been eating?" He asked.

König stepped forward. "Y/n and I have had lunch together every day possible since they got here. Recently that stopped." Price could hear his fear. "You are aware of how important routine is to y/n."

He wasn't lying. Routine was one of the things that kept you from losing your grip on reality. This struck Price.

"But how do you know they aren't sleeping?" He asked. He wanted to believe his boys, but Price trusted you to come to him if you were struggling.

Ghost spoke this time. "We talk about it. Me and y/n both have nightmares. They haven't said shit about it in a while."

Price took a drag of his cigar. "I'll go have a chat with them. Where are they?"

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