Psych Warfare pt 3

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Summary - Ghost and Soap are interrogated, making sure to point out all of the pretty marks on Howell.
Warnings - verbal degradation, interrogation, mentions of violence

Tess was right, she was beyond sore. She popped pain meds into her mouth and washed them down with coffee. She was up before her boys, which almost never happened.

Howell got her things together and walked to the showers, hoping she didn't stink too badly.

She was hungover, and the shower was only making her feel a little better. Howell took a long time in the shower, not wanting to leave the steady warmth of the water soothing her aching body. "I'm going to beat his ass next time I see him." Tess mumbled to herself.

The marks were more prominent now than they were the night before. A bit of foundation should cover this shit up. She thought to herself.

As she stepped out of the shower and got dressed, she noticed more and more marks on herself. "That fucker." She mumbled again.

Her clothes weren't going to cover all of the marks, she'd have to hurry back to the room.

And rush Howell did. She practically ran into her room, slamming the door behind her.

König stared down at her, concerned, Horangi just starting to sit up.

"Are you alright, doctor?" König asked, looking her up and down for injuries. "What are these bruises?" He put his hand near her neck gently, trying to examine her.

Tess jumped back. "No worries, König," she laughed, "I'm alright, bug guy. I just have to put some foundation over it and I'll be ok." She rushed through her explanation, making him even more concerned.

König was beyond dense, he needed everything spelled at for him. And usually, Howell was fine with that, but now she was embarrassed of the marks.

"If someone hurt you, I need to know, doctor." König was being more forceful. "Part of my assignment here is to keep you safe, and if I am not doing that correctly I need to know how to fix it."

"König, drop it." Howell scolded. She never snapped at König, he was always so gentle with her. "Shit, I'm sorry. Look, I'll explain it later, but right now, I need to get dressed, alright?" She spoke, putting a gentle hand on his face.

He nodded, walking over to the coffee maker. "I forgive you." König said, making his coffee.

Horangi was getting ready silently. The only noises he made were the sounds of his clothes rustling as he put them on.

There were only two people today to be interrogated. Price said that Soap and Ghost would be very difficult to deal with. Howell was ready.

Before getting dressed, Howell sat in front of the mirror, gently applying foundation to the hickeys up her neck.

After getting dressed, she walked out of the room and down the hall to the interrogation room. Soap was already waiting outside, that fucker was eager to start.

Howell groaned. "Come on, MacTavish." She spoke, slinking into the room angrily. Soap took his spot at the table, seeming excited.

She started the recording and opened his file, information about Ghost was her objective. Fun. The headache pounded against her skull.

"How was last night, Dr. Howell?" Soap asked, leaning forward.

Tess shot an aggressive look at him. "Pardon?" Her tone was no longer that of someone tired, but of someone who just found out someone had wronged her. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

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