{Chapter 1}

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"Hey! You good?" I heard a voice as I opened my eyes. "Yea..." I said rubbing my eyes as I looked up to see... ~Enzo~ ...my male best friend. "Get up," he said nudging me, "Its time for Geo." "I don't want to go~" I whined, "Can we bunk?" "Ya- no." He said sternly. "Ugh... fine ...let's get this over with." I groaned as I got up. "Good. I'll see you there.." He said turning to walk away. "Wait. Where you going??" I asked as I hang my bag over my shoulder. "I have something to take care of."  He said as we walked out of the class. " okay. see ya there" I said as I walked in the opposite direction.

I sighed. ' damn.. i didn't do the geo homework'  I thought with another sigh.

As I walked towards the Geo room when a hand came from behind me, pinning me to the wall. I took a deep breathe before I looked up. "What do you want, Aiden??" I asked irritated. "You~" He said with an annoying grin  on his face. 

"I already told you. We are over." 

"I thought you were just kidding babe"

"I wasn't 'just kidding' "I said pushing him away from me. 

"Babe. I thought you loved me-" he said. 

"You could go hang yourself for all I care"




I said then started walking away. "Bitch!" I heard him call out. "Unlike you. I am not an animal. So don't call me that" I growled as I walked away feeling like a queen.

***In Class***

I sat on a seat, in the corner of the class, folded my arms on the table then layed my head on them. Slowly closing my eyes drifting off into a rather light slumber...


Heyyyyy! I know this chapter is short. But please bear with me??

I suddenly came up with this FAB plot soooo....


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