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I left the cafe and headed home. No one was home, so i dropped my bag in my room and headed for the bathroom to change out of the uniform. I stood in front of the mirror and sighed. The outfit I chose didn't look good. On me at least...

"I should just tie my hair differently" I thought aloud. "Yeah... I look modest " I said then walked out of the bathroom. Lately I've been getting into this one book called 'Revelation of things to come'. Catchy right? The book has about 240 pages in total. It explains the book of Revelation. I grabbed the book from where I left it, and sat on the bed. I opened to were I last read. 

"Colossians 1:27,28" it read, " 'the riches of the glory of this' is 'Christ in you, the hope of glory... that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.'" Perfect, huh..? God fixes the broken. Mends the torn hearts of the weak. He can do anything! Even make something as defective as me... perfect...

 I continued reading till the sunset and the was a knock on my door. "Come in!!" I answered, my eyes departing not from the book. "Still reading that book?" I looked up. It was Mama. "of course" I responded closing the book. "How was your day?" I asked my eyes meeting hers. "Tiresome" she said as she entered my room and sat next to me on the bed. She placed her head on my lap. "Sorry about that," i said as i stroked her head, "let me get diner started." "Its ready. I came to call you." She said as she got up. "Lets not keep them waiting :)" 

"Alright" I said. She pulled me up and lead me by the hand. -Tomorrows mothers day...-  I thought. "I can't wait" I mumbled. "Wait for what?" Mama asked as she sat me down at the table. "Don't worry :) " I smiled. "Hi Dad." I said as he walked in from the kitchen. "How was your day?" I asked. "Busy as always." He said. " How about you. Remembered to do your homework this time?" "Didn't get any" I said. "Study hard, princess" "Will do Father." I nodded.

Sometimes the expectations they have for me can be too much, you know? I appreciate the hard work they put in to prepare for my future but sometimes... I can't take it...

And like that my day ended...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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