⇣ one.

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tomioka giyuu x reader

sapphire eyes, one.

The water hashira is left clueless to why he came to your flower shop once again as the flowers on display comes into view. Giyuu debates internally of whether to go in, or not.

But it is too late, he thinks to himself. For he was already by the entrance of the shop.

Tomioka Giyuu steels himself, his hand quietly pushing the door as the soft jingles of the door's bell resounds through the shop, indicating that he had entered.

As usual, the shop is quiet and peaceful, like it's atmosphere. Giyuu appreciates that about the shop.

His mismatched haori flutters with the slightest of movement with each step he takes, and he sees you again. As in, from the encounters he had when he decided to rest for a brief moment after completing multiple of his endless missions. And now⏤he's back to visit after the encounters.

For someone who is silent, the water hashira had taken an unknown liking to the place. Even when he isn't particularly interested in flowers all the much.

"Good afternoon, it's good to see you once more."

You greet, and your voice reaches his ears to cut him off his train of thoughts.

His ocean-tinted eyes shifted to meet your [e/c] ones, and he nods in usual, silent greeting while his expression remains unchanging. "...Good afternoon."

You hummed in acknowledgement, already accustomed to his silent nature because your flower shop isn't the loudest around.

Though Giyuu feels puzzled. 'Good to see you once more?' You remember him? He was a little surprised, considering you get customers all the time⏤even if he isn't considered as a customer for not buying anything?

Why bother remember him? As much as it was flattering enough, Giyuu doesn't think that he is striking or special in any kind of way. Nevertheless, he simply stepped in as he saw that you haven't shown any discomfort.

Giyuu wants to ask for your name, but initiating a conversation or a simple talk with people were not one of his preferences or specialists. He blinks, his eyes shifting to you as you seemed to be removing vines and thorns from a group of roses laying along the counter.

"Would you like to buy any flowers?"

He blinks, then shakes his head slightly in refusal. That probably looked weird... Why would he come to a flower shop if he did not want any flowers? Stupid. He thought.

Just when he thought about changing his answer, your hum of acknowledgement left him in a swirl confusion. You agreed to that? Did you not find it disrespectful that he came in with no desire to purchase not even a sole flower? Does it not bother you?

He awkwardly shifted, wanting to voice out his confusion but held his tongue back as not to make a further fool of himself.

His gaze moved to you, then to your gloved hands that worked to remove the vines of each rose there.

But... Isn't that a waste of time? Removing all of them from each rose? While you could do something better, perhaps?

He shook his head to clear it, taking a balanced breath as the scent of flowers hit his nose once again. He felt himself slowly relax, observing the variety of flowers around him. Each type was arranged in a group, all flourished and vibrant.

But still, one can never be too cautious, his guard remained still. Even if it was morning, demons can come marching from secluded, shadowed areas nearby. *Even worse? Kocho Shinobu.

*(y'all i love shinobu, she's literally bae material and slay, literally.<3 this is just for the story aghbks)

Giyuu remains where he is, looking around the quaint little flower shop again. He can't help but repeat his thoughts, there are flowers of all colors, shapes and textures laid out before him as if a garden was arranged into a store. He's never been a big fan of flowers. He didn't dislike them or like them either.

And yet...

His gaze lands back on the person with [e/c] eyes, working away behind the counter. So, he finds himself wondering...

What is their name? What are they like?

He's never asked, and he doesn't think he will. He usually doesn't talk to people; it's too much work and a waste of time ── after all, conversations are just as futile. What's the use of talking to someone who'll ignore brush him aside as usual? His introverted self isn't helping with the case, either.

But there's something about them... He trails off in thought. It was just his curiousty, he tells himself. Simple intrigue, that's all.


He sounds silly, anyways. Well, who would want to talk to him, of all people? You will probably think he is strange, which is true. Although still, he felt lost.

He takes another breath, the faint sound of his breathing covered by the gentle jingles of the bell as one of your customers left with a bouquet of flowers.

He sighs, his deep blue eyes turn to you one last time before nodding in silent goodbye.

And that feeling of "intrigue" rises in his chest as he saw you wave in response. Why not just ignore him? That way, he'll most likely get rid of the intrigue. And that subtle smile... something tightens in his chest and he doesn't know why.

He turned around, the bells resounding yet again as he left.

Unknowingly, your eyes drifting to him until he got out of view...


𝗦𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗦 𖤐 TOMIOKA GIYUU X READERWhere stories live. Discover now