The Deception of Charisma

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Please Excuse Mistakes

Karen eagerly picked up her telephone, as she was ready to engage in yet another conversation with Denzel. The two of them explored various topics and shared snippets of their lives. They had been talking for weeks and their connection seemed to deepen as the days passed. Today's topic included music and poetry, something Karen held close to her heart. However, a persistent feeling that nagged Karen in the back of her mind told her that something wasn't quite right.

As they delved deeper into within their growing bond, Denzel's charismatic voice filled the airwaves of the phone. Karen just couldn't help but to be charmed by his charisma, and his effortless ability to make her laugh and feel special. But in the midst of their conversations, she started to notice subtle glimpses of Denzel's self centered behavior, moments where his true colors came out.

"So Denzel, what type of music do you enjoy? Any favorite artists?" Karen asked as she was genuinely interested in his response.

"I have such an eclectic taste. I appreciate all genres, but I think my refined ears lean towards classical music and obscure jazz bands that you've probably never heard of." Denzel said with a hint of self importance that was evident in his voice.

Karen couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed by his condescending tone. She loved music too, but it seemed as Denzel was more interested in showcasing his superior taste rather than engaging in a a genuine conversation.

"Oh I see. I have a wide range of musical preferences myself, from gospel to R&B, jazz, and maybe even a little funk." Karen said hoping to bridge the gap between them.

"Funk music? That's so mainstream Karen. I prefer music that challenges the listener's intellect. It's just more sophisticated." He said laughing dismissively.

Karen's excitement had worn down as she listened to Denzel's self centered remarks. She had noticed these red flag before, but she tried to brush them off, as she attributed them to his passion of certain subjects. The deeper their conversations continued, the harder the signs became harder to ignore. As the topic shifted to poetry, Karen decided to bring up her own writing.

"I've been working on some poems. Would you like to hear one?" Karen asked.

"Sure go ahead. Just remember, I have a discerning taste when it comes to poetry." Denzel said hesitantly as he sounded disinterested. Karen took a deep breath before reciting one of her heartfelt poems.

Lost love, a bitter ache inside,
Heartbreak's tears, I cannot hide.
Longing for what once was mine,
Letting go, a painful sign.

In dreams, your touch, a fading bliss,
A love untangled, now amiss.
Like birds, you soared beyond my reach,
Leaving me here, to heal and teach.

Though wounds still bleed, I'll find my way,
Through tear-stained nights and brighter days.
For in this pain, I'll rise anew,
And love again, when love is due.

This was a vulnerable moment for Karen, and she hoped that Denzel would appreciate her words.

"It's alright, I guess but have you read any great poets? Their work is on an entire different level. Your writing lacks depth and complexity that true artistry requires." He critiqued as her word with arrogance.

Karen felt a mix of disappointment and frustration building up within her. Denzel's complete disregard for her feelings and constant need to assert his superiority left her questioning their connection. She couldn't deny the initial charm that he had drawn to her to him, but now doubts lingered in her mind.

"I appreciate your perspective Denzel, but I believe art is subjective. Each person's work carries its own unique essence." Karen replied as she attempted to defend her creativity.

"Subjective? Perhaps but true talent is undeniable. I'm simply just stating facts Karen." He said scoffing.

Karen rolled her eyes as she realized that Denzel's self-centeredness was not just an occasional slip up, but a defining characteristic of his. She couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in her guts anymore. Their conversations became less about a genuine connection, but more about Denzel's need for validation.

As the call came to an end, Karen found herself reflecting on their interactions. She hoped for a deeper connection, but it seemed to be blinded by Denzel's charisma. Deep down inside, Karen still prayed that she was wrong, and that there's more likable layers to him.

Author's Notes:
Do y'all think that Denzel has red flags that need to be addressed, or should Karen brush it off?

Do y'all think that Denzel and Karen are gonna delve deeper in their connection?

What do y'all think is gonna happen next?

LMK how y'all feel about this chapter.

Thank you so much for reading. Until Next Time 🤍

Lover From A Distance (SLOW UPDATES)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora