Art of Seduction

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Side Note~ I had the sudden irresistible impulse to make this one of the most horrendous books that I've ever written. In the next few chapters, I would forewarn you to brace yourselves. Thank you for your time 😭

Please Excuse Mistakes

Karen's P.O.V.
My phone rang and I felt a rush of great feelings come over me, as Denzel's smooth voice filled my ears. Over the past few weeks our conversations have became a revival for me. His poetic words have a way of reaching deep into my soul. My heart skipped a beat, as I wondered what he had to say.

"Hey Karen! I was thinking about you and wondering if you'd like to go out tonight. There's this new restaurant that I've been dying to try. What do you think?" Denzel asked as his voice flowed through the line.

His invitation caught me off guard, although I couldn't deny the excitement that moved within me. The idea of spending more time with him and getting to know him on a deeper level enticed me. I hesitated for a moment, as my mind was clouded with doubts and insecurities, but ultimately I couldn't resist the allure of the possibility that my initial impressions were mistaken.

"I would love to Denzel." I said as I felt a mix of elation and nervousness. 

The hours passed and there I stood in front of my bathroom mirror, as I contemplated Denzel's request. My mind is filled with conflicting thoughts about him. On one hand, I just can't ignore if he takes the signs of being self centered, but on the other hand, the fact that he wants to spend time with me makes me feel special, and I hope that my doubts are mistaken.

As I got ready for the evening, I decided to boost my confidence by focusing on myself. I turned on the shower and let the warm water cascade over my body, washing away any lingering thoughts. The soothing sensation of the water eased my mind and allowed me to embrace into the moment.

After showering, I reached for my favorite scented lotion, as I gently massage it onto my skin. I inhaled the delicate fragrance that filled the air, a subtle reminder of my femininity and self care.

Next came the makeup. I carefully selected my favorite shades, putting eyeshadow on my eyelids with soft hues that accentuated my eyes. With each brush stroke, I felt a renewed sense of confidence building up within me. I want to present myself with authenticity, but with a touch of elegance that mirrors my inner beauty.

Finally, I stood in my closet, carefully choosing an outfit that reflects my personal style. My fingers glide across an array of different fabrics. I envision the perfect ensemble that captures my personality. Soon as I finished getting dressed, Kierra entered my bedroom, with eyes that widened with admiration.

"You look so pretty Mommy." Kierra said as her innocent voice filled the air. Her words filled me with joy, as it erased any negative thoughts about my appearance. I kneeled down, embracing Kierra gently.

"Thank you baby. Mommy wants to look good for her date tonight." I said before kissing her cheek, as I felt a surge of love come over me for my little girl.

As I drove Kierra to Dorinda's house, I can't help but feel my nerves stimulate beneath my skin. I know Dorinda won't help but make joke about Denzel and I going out tonight.

"Well look at you getting all cute for Denzel Shakespeare. Is he cracking your back tonight?" Dorinda said and I playfully rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Please Dorinda don't start getting any ideas. We're only going out to dinner." I said before playfully nudging her.

I savored the moments of lightheartedness before the nerve wracking rendezvous with Denzel began. After making sure Kierra was settled in safe, I bid them goodbye before making my way to the restaurant.

The ambiance of the restaurant matched my excitement. The sounds of smooth jazz filled the air, creating an intimate atmosphere. Denzel was waiting at the table with a smile spread across his face. Our eyes met and my unease momentarily subsided as he smiled at me.

"Karen you look absolutely gorgeous this evening." Denzel said pulling out a chair. His eyes lingered on me as he spoke.

"Thank you." I said blushing. I felt a flutter within my chest.

As we settled, the conversation began. Denzel dominated the discussions and steered it back to his own achievements and experiences. He spoke passionately about his career, his art, and the many influential people he met along the way. I tried to interject, but my attempts were met with interest, then a redirection back to himself. A sense of unease settled within me, but I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"So Karen tell me about some of your hobbies and interest." Denzel finally asked as he turned his attention towards me.

For a moment I was hesitant. I was unsure of how he would react to my simple joys and passions. Nevertheless, I found the courage to share.

"Well I love art and music. I find so much inspiration I'm in various forms of expression. I began as my voice filled up with enthusiasm.

"That's interesting. Let me tell you about the time I attended this exclusive art exhibition in New York. The artist there were simply mind blowing." Denzel replied as his tone lacked genuine curiosity.

My heart began to sank. It felt as if my words had fallen on deaf ears. The unease I felt had intensified, and I couldn't ignore it any longer.

"Denzel I've noticed that our discussions often revolve around you. I would love to have a more balanced conversation where we can both share and listen to each other." I said voicing my concerns.

Denzel paused for a moment, his demeanor shifted from self assured to slightly taken aback.

"I apologize if I seem that way Karen. I didn't mean to come off as self centered. I'm genuinely interested in getting to know you better." He said.

I nodded, hoping his words were sincere. I decided to give him another chance. I believe our connection can overcome the initial red flags.

"Thank you for understanding. We should try having a more balanced conversation from now on." I replied as I felt hopeful but cautious.

As the evening continued, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about Denzel. His narcissism and self centeredness had become more evident, and I wondered if my initial impressions were indeed accurate. But in this moment, I allowed myself to believe that with patience and open communication, our connection had the potential to grow beyond the boundaries of egos and into something truly meaningful. Despite his apology, the unease within me grew, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a promising date.

Author's Notes:
How do y'all feel about Karen confronting Denzel about his attitude?

Do y'all think Denzel is gonna change his self centered ways, or is he only telling Karen what she wants to hear?

This is probably gonna be my last update for a while since school starts literally TOMORROW 😭

What do y'all think is gonna happen next?

LMK how y'all feel about this chapter.

Thank you so much for reading. Until Next Time 🤍

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