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Lucas pov :

I woke up to the sun's rays shining in my eyes. It was 10:40 a.m. and I suddenly got a call. I picked up my phone which was beside me on the nightstand.  I answered it and heard one of my assistants. "We have him'. What should we do with him, boss?" he asked across the line." Send me your location. I will be there in 10 minutes I said hurrying off for a shower. I came out and glanced at Francesca sleeping peacefully. "Beautiful as ever" I whispered under my breath. I hurried over to the basement. I got the keys and headed towards my Ferrari. I was about to go in when somebody stepped out of the shadows. " Francesca," I said under my breath." It's you. Umm, you're awake early. She looked so pale in the morning and I just wanted to hug her but I couldn't." Stay here", I said and got into the car and drove off.

  " You have messed with the wrong guy," the person under the mask said. I slid my drink across the table and got up towards the person tied up on a chair. I grabbed his collar and slid a gun across his neck. He gave quite a shiver. "Any words that aren't related won't be heard", I said pushing him back in place. He almost fell off with his chair. I sat back on my chair sipping my cocktail. " John bring me those files please," I asked pointing to some files on a nearby table. The file contains some valuable documents that are related to my father's business. " Who are you working for" I asked from across the room.  He stayed silent which made my blood boil." As if I'm gonna tell you," he said. Even tho under that mask was a young boy, I felt like ripping his head off. With a clenched jaw, I took out my gun and was aiming at him. The sound of gunshots was heard throughout the room. Blood spewed out everywhere. Blood got on the suit I was wearing." shit", I said under my breath. A call startled me and the person across the line was crying. " Francesca ", I blurted out. I ran to my car not even caring about anything anymore. The only thing I want more than ever is to make sure she is safe." Fuck" I shouted In my car. The road was packed with cars. There is no way I'll get there on time. I got my phone and called my assistant John. " Get the helicopter ready at 12 Winston Road", I said. 12 Winston Road was an abandoned road that would be a perfect place to land a helicopter. It was a mile away from here. I was praying in my heart that she would be okay by the time I got there. I gave my wheel to my assistant, May who was in the car. I got out and took off running towards the Winston road.

 By the time I got there, I was panting and sweating all over but my helicopter was already there. I got in and headed toward the mansion still praying that Francesca was all right. ' Please, please, I begged in my heart. I reached there and busted open the doors. " Renold", I said with a clenched jaw. 'oh, you're here. Come sit and have some juice' he said smiling his innocent smile." Where is she?" I asked looking at him dead in the eyes. " who?" he asked looking confused." Francesca, I blurted out." who are you talking about?" he asked confused as ever. I know him well. He was the kind of guy that could trick your mind within seconds." come sit", he said as if he owned the place. His guards were surrounding him. I reluctantly sat down. My hands were already in fits ready to punch his face. The fact that people feared him the most. Renold was one of the best fighters in the country but I'm still ranked higher than him. God knows why. " you have something I need," he said his face still serious." you can give your files in exchange for your sweet girl', he said. I smirked looking at him " Not a chance", I said. With a snap of my fingers, Al the guards were put down by my men. He was left alone but he still didn't give up. I went towards him and stood in front of him. My guards grabbed hold of him and pinned him towards the wall. He tried to fight back but there were too many of my guards holding his hands. " Now, I'm going to ask again. Where is she?". But he just kept quiet. I left him there and I ran all over the place to search for her. at last, I entered our bedroom and all of a sudden there was a blackout and I fell to the floor unconscious

 I woke up my head throbbing in pain. Francesca was sitting beside me her hands covering her eyes. My sight was still blurry. The last time I passed out was when I fell down the stairs in middle school and it was so embarrassing and now it happened again. I woke up my body aching. I looked at Francesca's hands and removed them from her face. She burst out laughing." I am so sorry Lucas", she said while laughing. " I was tied to a chair but I managed to get out and I also took a lamp with me and I was ready to go out when suddenly you came in and I thought you were the enemy. I hit you so hard that you fell unconscious. I stared at her and managed a smile. She looked so cute laughing like that. I slowly got up to go the bathroom and I remembered Renold. " John!!!", I called and he came rushing in. " where is he ?" I asked looking at him. John was a tall man in his 20s with blue eyes and blonde hair. He was a very handsome person." He's still in there but tied up sir" He said. " Good", I said. I can't risk his escaping. " Take him to my study and give him something to eat". I said.

 I  went to deal with his problems even tho my head felt like it wanted to burst open. Once I got rid of him, I went for a shower.  I laid in bed with only my boxers on because the summer had started and it was starting to get hotter. Francesca was reading a book beside me. I suddenly remembered something and I looked at her confused. "Wha- and I was cut short by a sudden scratch on my arm. I woke up to see her cat near her. " When did you get your cat?" I asked. " yesterday". she said looking at her book." I wanted to go to the garden when I saw her strolling around there and that was when I remembered about her. I am the worst person alive to forget about my cat like that. I just quietly lay back in bed and within a few minutes, I have already dozed off. I didn't even realize when Francesca turned off the lights. It is another day tomorrow. A big one.

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