Fred Weasley x Y/N Black

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I got this character by spinning a Harry Potter character wheel so good luck to me for coming up with something.

Y/N's Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

This chapter is REALY fucking long btw- 2326 words-


   I woke up this morning and I look towards the side of my bed to the alarm clock. It was pretty early. Earlier than I normally wake up seeing as I spend most of the night awake.

    I then look forwards strait across from my bed and my favorite outfit is laid out for me. I remember now! I set out that outfit last night because today is my birthday! I get up and out of my bed to change into the outfit I had picked out the night before. I run downstairs to see my father talking with Molly Weasley, the twin's mom. You see my father pulled me out of Hogwarts for a while to stay safe while this death eater stuff is going on and so I could help him defend Harry. But before all this chaos over the years I have become friends with the two Weasley twins and have grown particularly fond of Fred.

   I honestly don't know how exactly two Griffindoor (I'll look up how to spell it later)  boys found themselves becoming friends with a simple Ravenclaw boy but here we are. I haven't seen them for months though, or my other friends like the golden trio and a few others.

    As I walk in with Molly and my Father talking I walk up to Molly. I kinda see her as a mother at this point because of how much time I spend with her and her kids. "Hey Mol! Whatcha guys talkin' about?" I ask giving her a hug before letting her reply. "We'll Harry and the others are coming for dinner today!" She says with a big smile. I give her a smile back before asking my own question. " will the twins be coming?" I ask. She simply nods her head. "Oh, and happy birthday Y/N!" The Weasley excitedly whispered to me, making me smile. I move into the kitchen to make me breakfast.


    A few hours later I'm hanging out in my room reading. I realize because father has been busy all day getting ready for Harry to come back I haven't been able to talk to him about my birthday. I head downstairs and I'm the hallway near the stairs strand my father and Molly. My guess is that Remus, his (idk girlfriend, fiancée, wife? It's been a while I'm doing this off of memory.) had already arrived and they were now waiting for the other kids to show.

    I walk up to my father "hey dad? Do we have any plans for my birthday today?" I asked and almost immediately after the doorbell rang and both Molly and serous reached for the door. He kind of ignored me and responded with a simple "not now Y/N."  I grabbed his sleeve. " but father it's my birthday.." he shoved my hand away. "Stop your complaining." He said walking to the door. As it opened serous extended his arms out and Harry ran towards him. Tears filled the edges of my eyes and threatened to overflow. I saw behind Harry was everyone else. Harmione was smiling towards Harry and Ron was hugging his mom. Behind everyone else was Fred and George. I locked eyes with one of the twins and ran off back upstairs.


-Harry's POV-

    After saying our hellos we walked in and sat down at the dinner table. We were all getting settled when I remembered what I saw over serious's shoulder. (I just now realized auto correct had been spelling his name wrong the whole time! Oh well. I just spell it right now.)  when I hugged him I saw Y/N, his son looking at everyone with tears in his eyes.

    Without thinking I say what comes to mind. "So what was up with Y/N? I saw he looked sad as we were walking in then he ran upstairs." I state, curious to hear an answer from any of the adults in the room. Only silence was heard. "Did you talk to him at all today serious?" Remus asks. "Yeah but he wouldn't stop yammering about something and Harry was on his way."

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