Draco Malfoy x Y/N Weasley

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So I'm having like a sexuality crisis and I think I may only like boys so I'm gonna make Y/N be having a freak out session over sexuality too-
Btw this kinda turned into a vent but it's still good. Enjoy.

Y/N's Hogwarts House: Slytherin


    As soon as I hear the bell ring from my potions class I run out and head strait to the Slytherin common room. No one was in there because it was now dinner but I didn't feel like eating. I run up the boys stairs and into the bedroom as my tears threaten to flow.

    My bed is in the far corner of the room. Facing away from the door I slide down the side of my bed in between my side table and the wall. I hold my knees up to my face and let the tears I've been desperately holding in for weeks flow.

    You see I've been friends with Draco Malfoy sense year 1 and we were now in year four at Hogwarts. Over time I have slowly developed a crush on Draco, and I know damn well he is not gay. Hell, I'm still so confused even about my own sexuality. I had thought I was pansexual before or bisexual but now I don't even know. I find all genders attractive but recently it's been like I can only ever see myself dating another boy.

    I haven't told anyone that I was questioning my sexuality except my twin brothers Fred and George. Fred is pansexual and he couldn't be happier knowing who he is. It's not like I'm scared my family won't except me because they excepted Fred because it doesn't matter who we love as long as we're happy. I'm more scared for myself. Like what if I never find a boy who isn't strait that will actually find me attractive. I've dated people in the past of all genders and I've even explored polyamory but dating girls just doesn't seem to feel right anymore.

    My mind has just been completely overflown with questions and stupid insecurities. All I had been thinking about recently is if I'll ever find someone, and lecturing myself for falling in love with someone 1 out of my league, and 2 definitely not into boys. I've been holding in the tears to keep my happy go lucky mask believable. I don't ever really tell anyone about my problems with sexuality other than the twins and I talk with Ron a bit about insecurities. My brothers and sister would kill for me if anyone tried anything and Ive had to hold them back because for some reason I've only really found shitty people. Besides a lucky few.

    I was to distracted by my thoughts to realize I had started having a panic attack and hyperventilating. I held onto my arms tightly, lightly scratching at them. I soon feel an arm wrap around my shoulder as someone pulls me into their chest. My senses get wafted with peppermint and I knew who it was immediately. "Shh. Shhh.. it's ok Y/N.. I'm here." Draco says in a soothing voice. He then grabs my had and places it to his chest to where I could feel his heartbeat. "Can you feel that?" I lightly nod at him, still sobbing. "Ok, ok, good. Now follow my heartbeat and concentrate on your breathing and match mine." He says, slowly breathing in and out. I work with him to slow down my breathing, I'm still a bit shaky but even though I'm still on verge of tears I'm no longer crying.

    "What's going on Y/N? What caused this? If it's fucking Crabb and Goyle again I swear to fuck-" Draco says looking away from me and towards the door before looking back as I look to the floor. "They aren't the current problem.." I say, refusing to look up. "Y/N..." i don't respond, not wanting to face him knowing I'll spill that I like him if I look him in the eyes. "Y/N look at me. You know you can tell me anything." He spoke softly placing a hand in my shoulder. I look up but have my eyes closed as I take a deep breath. "Draco.. I think I'm gay.." I say still not opening my eyes. I feel Draco's strong arms wrap around me.

    " that would never change my opinion about you, sorry but you're stuck with me." I hear him say and I let out a small chuckle. He pulls away and gives me a big smile. I smile back before my face falls and I look down again. "I also... dear god- how do I say this.. Draco I like you, like as more than just a friend." I close my eyes as tight as I could, scared of rejection. I feel Draco's had gently left my chin up and I suddenly feel soft lips against mine. My eyes shoot open in surprise I then close my eyes and melt into Draco's kiss. We soon pull apart and he places his forehead against mine. "I love you Y/N." Draco gently says. "I love you too" I respond giving him a smile.

    "Soooo- how long have you liked me?" The other male says next to me. "Sometime in second year is when it started but I didn't even realize till third year." I respond turning my head to face him. He looks at me slightly shocked. "All this time and you didn't tell me?!" He says tackling me into a hug. "Hey- what about you Mr. Blonde Ferret!" He shoved my shoulder before continuing. "I was turned into a Ferret once Y/N! And I honestly really liked you from the start. I knew you were going to be someone very important to me." He says smiling at me. I quickly grab a pillow from my bed next to us and hit him with it. "You got mad at me for not telling you when you've liked me longer!" I shout at him, smiling. "Mercy please! Not the pillow." He shouts laughing. I drop the pillow and hug him, still sitting on the ground. "I love you. More than you can ever know."

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