Harry Potter x Y/N L/N x Draco Malfoy

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Hey guys!!! I am currently taking requests and I am hoping to write them all at some point, I love helping other peoples ideas come to life. I do write things that were not requested too, every story untill now has been all me. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Requested by: @_THATGIRLJANIE2

I don't know if you wanted it to be a female reader due to your username but I only do x male reader or non bionary reader or trans male reader. In this book I don't rite for girls. But I hope you like this regaurdless of wether or not you wanted it to be a male reader or female reader.

Also I didn't know what hogwarts house you wanted so I just spun a wheel and landed on hufflepuff. So yeh, ur a Hufflepuff.

Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff


~*~Draco's POV~*~

    As I'm walking through the halls of hogwarts with Carbe and Goyle by either side of me I spot someone I've never seen at hogwarts before walking through the front gates, a boy. I stop in my tracks to watch as professer McGonigal walks the boy into the headmasters office. "You ok, Malfoy?" I hear Goyle say from my left. I shake off the spaced out feeling and respond. "What do you mean? Ofcourse I'm fine, What're you on about?" Then as I storm off and Crabe and Goyle try to keep up with me I look back over to the door I saw that boy walk through, My head snaps forward again at the sound of the bell and walk to my first class.

~*~Harry's POV~*~

    "Harry?" I snap out of my thoughts as I look over to the front of the classroom where Professor McGonigal was standing next to prefessor Flitwick. "Harry, will you head outside? Professor McGonigal has something she needs you to do." Professor Flitwick says, gesturing to McGonigal waiting by the door. "Yes, ofcourse sir." I say and grab my bags before heading to professor McGonigal. She then opens the door for me and we both walk out. Once we leave the classroom and the door is closed Professor moves to stand next to a boy who is standing infront of me. "Harry, this is our new student Y/N L/N! I would like you to tour him around this side of the school, He has every class with you up untill lunch. After lunch I'm going to have Mr. Draco Malfoy walk him around. All of his classes after lunch have him in them. So can you tour him around this side of the school and show him where all of his classes before lunch will be?" Professor McGoligal asks me.

    "Oh, uhhh- Sure, I can show him around." I say and finish the snetence with a smile towards Y/N. "Great, I'll leave you to it!" Professor says before she leaves me and Y/N alone in the hall. I smile towards the boy "so, new kid?" I ask. Y/N simply nods in responce. "My parents didn't want me to go here, it took some extra convincing so I had to come into the year late." He says. "OOoooh, that makes sense. My 'family' didn't want me here either. Yet, here I am." I chuckle. "So, we have flitwick first period. Then we have herbology witch is... Here." I say as I walk us outside to the greenhouse wing of the school. "Cool!" He says and gives me a small smile. My breath catches in my throat, He has a beautiful smile.. I shake it off as I realise I'm starring and clear my throught. "Let's continue with the tour, shall we?"

~*~Draco's POV / Time skip~*~


    I hear the bell ring and I pick up my belongings from the Slytherin table. but as I get up to walk away I hear someone say my name. "Draco?" I look up to see professor McGonigal standing infront of me with the boy I say walking into Dumbledoor's office earlier. "Hello, Draco. I need you to walk Mr. Y/n L/N around the school for me. He's new here and he has all the same classes as you after lunch." Professor says, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Sure, I guess. I can show him around." I say looking to my professor. She smiles and leaves me and Y/N. I turn to Y/N and give them a side smile. "You ready to go?" I say, only acting this nice due to curiosity. Y/N just nods and we go to walk out of the cafeteria.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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