meeting everyone

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Jisung pov

Me and felix where on our way to our next class when we finally entered I can see felix hands shaking and knew he was about to run so I quickly grabbed  his hand to stop him from trying to run. We made it to our usual seat and sat me never letting go of Felix's hand. As we sat I could feel a tap on my shoulder, so I turned to see jeongin. "What?" I was still quit mad at him for scaring felix and being mean to him."why are you so mad like he is just being clingy? let his hand go you can sit next to him and not hold his hand like a child he isn't going anywhere" jeongin said he looks even more mad because I just held his hand tighter, I truly don't get why they are so mad like just cause im an omega means nothing when I'm talking to another omega."I'm aloud to hold my friends hand doesn't matter if he's sitting down or not he is my friend" I said giving him the same death stare back. I'm literally so annoyed with all of them at this point.

I can feel someone staring and as I was looking around the class room I seen a certain brunette looking at me and Started sending daggers at felix I felt so bad for him being mistreated by my mates when he did absolutely nothing wrong.

          Time skip

Felix pov

I was really nervous as me and jisung was walking towards the lunchroom where everyone yet again was staring at me and jisung just like everyday. As we approached the table where everyone was still sending daggers every here and there but not as much as yesterday's where I was shaking alot. I'm still alittle I'm uncomfortable but it's lightening up a bit. As we sat down in front ot the I was alittle bit blushing because they all were very attractive  but I kept my composure. "So where are you from?" A boy with dimples asked me he looked like an fox."I'm from Australia" I said barley over a whisper but they still heard me alittle,"okay well I'm jeongin, and the one next to me is seungmin, the one on my right is hyunjin, and the other one next to hyunjin is lee know and the one next to him is chan" jeongin said and I quickly nod me had as a yes instead of speaking,

"So why are you here instead of with your pack?" Chan asked, " because they don't want me to be apart of their family" I said still whispering but they heard be because they all hummed in response. "Well why do you hold hands with my mate like now?" Cham asked as everyone was still looking at me including jisung." He won't let go of my hand because I run away alot" I said still scared alittle. " well will you run away if he let's go?" Hyunjin I think that's his name said. "Yes?" I said cause I don't know my ownself nor trust my own legs that is, "no he won't he will stay where he is right?" Jisung said in a serous tone, and I just nod my head yes to answer his question. "Good!" He said smiling happily. But as soon as he slowly started to let go of my hand I was trying not to run away so I kept tapping my foot quietly, there were still some questions they wanted me to answer so being kind I answered them all until one came up that I got up and left.

But instead of jisung calling my name he chased me and grabbed my wrist to stop me from running even further,"let go ji I don't want to talk right now" I was trying to hold back tears because people was still watching us but jisung didn't seem to care and soon enough I felt his lips on mine. I kissed back but then we soon partured and i was still trying to leave but he kept his hold on my wrist and started walking with me.

Authors note

Hi my angels I was so embarrassed about this one but I had to keep going for you guys. Anyway I won't be able to write another story until tomorrow so I hope you enjoy this one bye anlgels!

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