Chapter 22: Something Big

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* From this point on I'm going to follow the AU where the Papas aren't killed and just continue doing paperwork or something 😀

*A few months later

You were happy to get a break from the tour, especially since you were informed that the last show would have a big surprise at the end. You were currently seated in the garden, taking in the fresh air seeing as you hadn't been feeling well the last couple of days.

"Lovely morning, perfect time to be in the garden."

You turn to see Primo come up to you, handing you a cup of tea and joining you on one of the benches.

"Thank you Primo."

"Let me know how that brew works, it's a new recipe I'm trying to help with nausea."

"Will do -sip- Well, at least it tastes good."

"Always a plus."

You spent a good chunk of the morning in the garden with Primo discussing topics ranging from gossip to new types of plants you both thought would be interesting for the garden. You thanked him again for the tea and stood to head back inside. However, once you stood you became a little light headed, the garden blurring around you. Primo, seeing you stumble a little, stood and held you by your shoulders.

"Sister, are you alright?"

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. After a moment you open them and your vision is clear.

"I'm fine... Sorry, I think I stood too fast."

Turning to give Primo a reassuring smile you're met with his signature 'bitch please' face.

"You should go to the clinic in town."

"But Primo-"

"I won't hear it. If you don't go I'll tell Imperator not to let you go to Mexico."

You let out a playful wine but agree to do so, earning a head pat and chuckle from Primo.

*After a walk-in check up*

You were silently panicking, walking down the halls of the ministry and eating a cannoli you got from the cafe in town. You were already having to mentally prepare for the surprise in Mexico, let alone this. How did this happen, you're both usually careful. Considering timing it would have had to have been the tour bus right? Damn. Your head was spiraling when you heard a familiar voice.

"Ah, Sister, just who we were looking for!"

You let out a surprised yelp as Terzo wraps an arm around you, laughing as you playfully slap his chest.

"Sorella forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you. I do need to borrow you if that's alright."

You follow him to his office and was kind of surprised to see Primo and Secondo there as well. Primo looked up, giving you a gentle smile.

"Glad to see you seem to be doing better, sister."

"Feeling better, thank you."

This seemed to have caught the attention of Terzo and Secondo.

"Have you not been well sorella?"

Secondo normally intimidated you a little but with what you just found out it made you more nervous, though that could also be because all three of them were now looking at you to answer.

"I...I had some slight nausea the last couple days, nothing more. Primo helped with some nice tea..."

The brothers looked at each other then back to you. Terzo, looking a little concerned, stepped up to you.

"Y/n, is everything ok?"

"Y-yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Sorella, you're shaking... is something wrong? Does it have to do with Copia?"

"No! Well, yes, but not in a bad way!"

"Oh? What does that mean?"

"No-nothing! I just... have something I need to talk to him about..."

"Please, sorella, what is it?"

"Terzo, leave it be. She can tell us if she wishes but its her business."

Secondo was now next to Terzo, hand on his shoulder. He looked at you and you gave a small smile.

"It's fine Secondo, it's just... I don't think I've even processed what's going on."

All three brothers were looking at you worried, you take a deep breath and grab Terzo by the shoulders.

"You have to promise me you won't freak out."

Terzo, still looking a little worried, slowly nods.

"... You are going to be a zio..."

All three of them were still for a moment, you could see the error message pop up in each of their brains.

"Sorella... are you saying...?"

"I'm pregnant, literally found out today when I went for a check up in town."

Secondo nodded, walking over to the table and downing a glass of what you assumed was whiskey. Terzo, as if finally booting up, suddenly smiled big and hugged you tight.

"Sorella, questo è stupefacente!"

You laugh also seeing Primo and Secondo smiling.

"Just one problem."


"How the fuck am I going to tell Copia!?"

A/N: Look at me getting two chapters up in only a few days. I hope you're all enjoying the story and will be patient with me as I figure out how Copia will find out. :) 

Your Beauty Never Scared Me: Papa IV x Female ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora