Chapter 25: Its a...

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*A few months later

Finally free from the nausea that plagued you every morning for months you were excited for the baby shower the ghouls and sisters insisted on throwing you. The ghoulettes also thought it would be a good idea to have it also be a gender reveal so that's what you were working on today, going to your appointment. Your doctor, a very nice young woman, looked at the ultrasound and wrote something down. She continued looking as she spoke to you.

"Everything is looking great, having a baby shower soon?"

"Yes, that's partially why I'm here. One of my friends thought it would be fun to also make it a gender reveal."

"Any guesses?"

"I don't know... boys run in his family so maybe a boy?"

"You never kn-"

She paused, looking at the screen closer.
"Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. Just we have a stowaway."


She chuckles and turns the screen towards you, looking at it you see two babies on the screen.

"Oh shit."

You both laugh as she writes another note. She shuts off the screen and gives you a paper towel to wipe the gel off.

"How did we miss a whole other baby?"

"Well, partially because if you aren't looking for it. To be honest, it seems baby A is an attention hog."

You laugh, taking the sonogram pictures and envelope.

"Hope you have a good day."

"Thank you, and enjoy your baby shower."

You make your way back to the ministry, avoiding everyone as you searched for Cirius. Luckily, she was alone in the garden.

"Hey! You know how hard it is to avoid people?"

"Sorry, Primo had me bring some pots out here for him. Got the goods?"

"Yes, but we have an unforeseen surprise."

Cirius looks at you puzzled, opening the envelope and reading it. She gasps, smiling and doing a little happy dance.


"Don't let the whole church know! I'm thinking we let everyone think its just one and then surprise them too."

"Perfect! Papa?"

"Surprise him too."

Cirius let out a little evil laugh.

"This is gonna be so fun."


*At the baby shower

While tired, you weren't surprised that the sisters and ghoulettes went all out. To be honest, you didn't know what surprised you more: The fact that Primo let them use the garden or watching the papas get excited over cupcakes. You were enjoying one yourself when Copia joined you on the bench you were sitting on, blue jacket sparkling in the sunlight.

"Hello cara."

"Hello Cardi, team boy are we?"

"Yes, though mostly for tradition. Secondo is as well while Primo and Terzo are team girl."

You chuckle, taking some of the frosting and booping it on to Copia's nose. Letting out a playful groan he wipes it off as Swiss called everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone! I believe this is the moment most of us have been waiting for, the gender reveal!"

You and Copia walked over and Swiss handed you unmarked smoke sticks.

"So, mainly cuz Sodo demanded to, he will light them and we'll see what color it is."

You nod, Sodo walking up next to you.

"Alright, are we ready?"

Everyone cheered, Sodo lifted his hand and a flame appeared in his palm. You and Copia stick the ends in and wait. All was silent until yours started to let off blue smoke.


Everyone cheered and Copia kissed your temple, suddenly, his stick let off pink smoke. Everyone was very confused, Swiss and the other ghouls asking what was going on. Copia looked at you since you were just smiling.

"Did one of us have the wrong stick?"

"Amore, avremo due gemelli."


You nod, showing him the sonogram pictures that you had in your pocket. You couldn't help laughing as he freaked out and told Swiss. Swiss announced it and seemingly all hell broke loose. After a group hug from the ghouls you were surrounded by all the sisters. While you celebrated you could see the papas all in a group hug, Terzo freaking out and them all yelling in italian. You laugh as Copia finally breaks free and jogs over to you, taking you in his arms.

"One of the best surprises ever. Siete tutti i miei piu grandi tesori."

Sharing a passionate kiss, you couldn't imagine a better outcome.

Your Beauty Never Scared Me: Papa IV x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now