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Later that night..

"Y'all got everything?" Legend asked.

"Yes. Coco packed everything up ina van." Moonk told me loading his glock.

"Y'all know the plan right. I want everything to run smooth." Legend blew out smoke from his mouth.

"Man Tink stop stressing. Everything straight, everything gon go to plan."Scooby patted his back.

"Ik, I just want everything to go right.I wanna go back to my wife and kids." Legend sighed.

"WIFE?" Everybody did the soulja boy look.

"Yea, I'm playing on stepping out the game after this and proposing to her. I don't want this life for me. I don't want this life for her our kids." Legend smiled thinking about his life with Capri.

"Damn man. I'm happy for you." Scooby smiled hugging his brother. Scooby seen Legend go through a lot and he was truly happy to see his big brother finally happy.

"Yea, I wanna move too." He nodded.

"Where at?" Boogie asked.

"Idk I would have to ask Capri where at. Yk she a big family person." Everyone nodded to the statement. Capri was big on family.

"Everything settled. Be safe you boys." Coco said from outside the door.

"Thank you Coco. And always." Legend got up, grabbed his glock and tucked it in his pants.

MyLove ❤️

My husband ❤️
I'm gon come home later. Yo pops gave me a key so i'm straight on getting in.Tell the kids I said goodnight and I love them.

Goodnight mylove. I love you so much ❤️

MyLove ❤️
Please be safe Legend. I love you so much more ❤️

"Alright let's go." Legend mumbled putting on his ski mask walking out the room.

30 mins later..

"We here." Bonzo, our driver told them.

"Alr. Scooby And Me will go ina front. Moonk and DayDay go ina back. Bj and Bari y'all stay ina van and look at the cameras that's on us. Nobody ona sides so we don't need nobody there." Legend told them as he turned on the camera that was on his body.

"Alright let's go." Scooby got up from his seat and turned his camera on.

"Ain't nobody guarding the place. They most likely expecting y'all. Be safe." Bj told the boys.

"Ight Bj."Moonk nodded.

They all got out the van. Scooby and Legend walked to the front. While Moonk and DayDay went to the back.

"You ready?" Scooby asked looking at Legend.

"Been ready." Legend Mumbled kicking down the door shooting the first two people he saw in the head. Silencer was put on the gun so no one heard.

"Go to the left." Legend whispered. He wanted everyone in that trap dead.

Scooby opened the first door on that hall and it was and shot the man that was talking on the phone.

A shot went off in the back of the house which caused to Legend and Scooby to look at each at other.

"Fuck." They both said and ran to the back.

"FUCKKKK." They heard DayDay scream.


Shots started going off once Legend and Scooby reached the back of the house.Bullets flying everywhere.

"Fuck." Legend sucked in a breath. He looked down and he saw blood gushing out of his stomach.

He suddenly felt weak and fell to the ground.

"Tink." Scooby looked at his brother bleeding out.

"Tink bruh stay with me." Scooby kneeled down to his brother.

"Scooby you bleeding." Moonk said after he shot the last person that was in the trap.

"Bro Tink been hit a whole bunch of times. We needa get him to the hospital." Scooby yelled.

"Stay with me bro."Scooby sniffed tappin his big brothers cheek.

"I love you bro. Tell my wife and kids I love them." Legend chocked out. After that everything went blank. His body went numb. That was the end.

"OPEN THE DOOR BJ. BONZO GO TO THE HOSPITAL." Scooby yelled while struggling to carry Legend to the car.

Anaiyah Capri Jones

"Tootie answer yo phone." Fat whined.

"Fat shut up." I mumbled sitting up grabbing my phone seeing a lot of missed calls from Scooby and Moonk.

"Hello." I yawned as Scooby answered the phone.

"Yo Legend been shot. We at the hospital ona south side. He in surgery right now." He said frantically.

"What." I sat up all da way.

"They don't think he gon make it Capri." Scooby started crying.

"Oh my god I'm on the way." I said about to break down.

My first love. My first everything has been shot and they don't think he's gonna make it. What am I gonna do.

"Mommy get up. Legend has been shot." I tried to get my words out but couldn't because I was crying so hard.

"Calm down baby. Go put some clothes on and then we'll go." My da said as he walked out the bathroom.

"You peeing?" He asked looking down at the puddle that was on his bedroom floor.

"My water broke." I started crying harder. I wasn't due for another 2 months.

"It's gon be okay baby. Just calm down for me." My mommy said as she came back in the room with new clothes.

"It's gon be okay. Just put your clothes on and we'll be out." My da said to me.

I just hope that Legend is okay. I want him to be okay. I need him to be okay.


How did I do ?

1 more Chapter and this book is done.

-BiggCodi 🥷🏾

What Is Love ?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora