Chapter 5: Over the Rainbow Crumbs

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Riley goes down the stairs ready for school. A bowl of cereal awaits her on the table, which she approaches enthusiastically. She takes the spoon, she is about to put a huge bite of cereal in her mouth, but Disgust, from the Control Panel, slows everything down:

"No, no, no," Disgust exclaims, pressing the slow-motion button. All Riley's movements become very slow. The slow mode gives Disgust time to operate a lever that moves Riley's eyes. "You don't want to eat that, girl."

"Let me help you with the volume," Anger says, setting aside a newspaper with the headline 'Mom tries to poison Riley.'

"Mom!" shouts Riley holding the cereal box, "Rainbow Crumbs? Really?"

"Sorry, my dear," Dad says sadly, "I bought them. I thought you liked them."

"I did like them," Riley whispers. "When I was like . . . four years old!" She shouts.

"Oops!" Fury jokes, turning the volume to maximum.

"And why didn't Mom go shopping?" Riley complains.

"Because I didn't feel good, ok?" The mother gets angry and goes up the stairs crying.

Fear and Sadness approach the Control Panel and, all at the same time with Riley, ask:

"What's wrong with Mom?"

"Mom is going through a delicate moment," Dad explains. "Imagine that I brought her her favorite chocolates and now they are in the garbage basket . . . But there is nothing to worry about, she will get better soon. Today I'll pick you up from your hockey practice, okay?"

"Yes," Riley mutters, taking her backpack and gazing up at the stairs. "Tell Mom I said bye . . ." 

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