Chapter 9: Detention and Banana Split

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"Riley, my dear," the teacher says, all the students on their seats and the class already started, "you're late and you are interrupting us, what do you say?"

"Sorry," Riley chews, Anger is at the Control Panel.

"Watch the tone, miss," the teacher warns.

"I said, I am sorry," Riley repels, obfuscated as Anger presses the sorry button harder and harder.

The teacher prepares to let insolence go by, but hears Riley say:

"You could mind your own business . . ." Riley growls.

"Miss Andersen, you are immediately going to detention. Your attitude is unacceptable."

"Detention?" Riley asks, suddenly worried.

"Wasn't it too much?" Fear asks Anger.

"I might have overheated a little bit," Anger tries to explain.

"Let's try to solve it," Fear says nervously. "Joy, could you give us a hand?"

"I don't know what's wrong with Joy, but she doesn't seem well," Sadness says.

Indeed, joy is lying on a long couch. She looks weak, her light is dimmer.

"I wouldn't get close to her," Disgust says, "she might have something contagious."

"Well, let's bow our heads and go to detention. There is no escape this time . . ." Fear assesses while making Riley walk gently to the door.

A robust teacher with a thick mustache and a funny red bow-tie receives Riley at detention. In a lethargic voice, Professor Brandywine indicates "Some say that detention might be boring, but it can be really challenging . . ."

Riley looks around before sitting down. There is a rebel guy, a gothic girl, an athlete, a nerd and a redhead dressed in pink. Suddenly, the theme 'don't you (forget about me)' sounds on a cell phone; Riley raises her shoulders and sits down. A single phrase at the board indicates 'Who do I think I am?'. Minimum 1,000 words.

After a few minutes trying to figure out who she thinks she is, Riley falls asleep in front of a blank page.

"Tim, Tim!," Phobia says excited from the subconscious, "it's our chance."

"Uh . . . Being able to film a dream in broad daylight, you don't see that every day," Darkton says. He starts giving directions. "Oblivion, go get the script."

"Yes, script, trash can," he answers diligently; he goes to find the basket and throws it on the table.

"Phobia, costumes."

"We only have a cloth and a tie."

"That's enough. Harry One, cloth in the head, you will be Mom. Harry Two, tie, you'll be Dad. Oblivion, what words do we have?"

"Break up. Date. Split. Who are you? Moustaches. School," Oblivion recounts, digging through the trash.

"Okay. Ok," Darkton thinks. "We want to alert Riley about Dad and Mom's problems. Dad may be having a date and all that is putting her identity into question. Lapsus, put the Reality filter."

"Rivalry filter?" Lapsus asks himself.

"Any filter will be fine. Action! The dream begins with some rails. Riley, rails, we will try to get to the identity issue from there."

"Inspired," Phobia says, while she draws two lines in chalk on a blackboard that works as a background.

The reality filter transforms the strokes into train tracks, winding like snakes. The train now rides on two huge snakes. Riley is on the train, but she isn't driving it. The train derails and crashes against the school. Jordan's voice is heard near the horizon. 'They are going to split'. The school is suddenly filled with bananas.

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