Chapter 3: Cold War

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Riley wakes up. She stretches out and goes down to have breakfast. From the top of the stairs, she hears her father say:

"We have to tell her."

"We're not going to tell her anything. Not yet," her mother says emphatically.

Riley goes down one more step and tries to listen, but the screech of the step gives her away.

"Hey! Look who woke up," Dad exaggerates.

"Our hockey and MVP champion!" Mom finishes the idea.

"Let's go Foghorns!" Dad tries to encourage Riley.

Riley goes down some steps and Mom says:

"Come over here. I'll make you a champions' breakfast."

"No, thanks. Jordan is coming by. He wants to introduce me to his friends from the band."

"Oh, well, say hello to him," the father says, as he rehearses an air guitar with his fingers.

Mom throws a look of disapproval at Dad. Riley perceives that look, but says nothing.

Fear, on the control panel, asks:

"What was that? Did anyone notice that look?"

"Yes, there was hate in that look," exaggerates Anger.

"No, I think it was sadness," says Sadness.

"I think she wanted to vomit, those rainbow cereals suck," Disgust says, quite convinced.

"You are disgusting!" says Fear.

"Duh!" replies Disgust. "There is a genius on the team."

Everyone keeps arguing, but no one presses any button.

"Hello! Planet Earth calling Riley," Jordan calls, after watching her stare a column for a while. "Are you all right?"

"Oh, yes," says Riley, coming out from her thoughts. She goes down the steps, and asks Jordan: "Have you ever seen your parents fighting without fighting?"

"Oh, you mean the Cold War stage? Yes, it is a classic. They don't insult themselves, they don't shout at each other, but there is something in their eyes, in the things they do and the words they mumble . . ."

"Exactly! And how do they overcome that stage?" Riley asks.

"I do not know. My parents separated and I now live with my Dad. I guess they never got over it . . ."

"Oh," Riley sighs.

"But maybe it's just a phase," Jordan tries to reassure her.

"Yeah, maybe," Riley tries to smile.

"The smile button doesn't work," Fear says.

"Because it can only be operated by Joy, genius," says Disgust impatiently.

"I'll take care of it," says Joy, regaining control.

"Sorry. I didn't want to touch the panel without your consent," Fear apologizes.

"Riley is about to meet Jordan's friends and she has to be super happy. Today's going to be a good day."

On the screen Riley is walking away with Jordan and asks him casually:

"So, what is your band's name, again?"

"We still have no name," says Jordan, "but you could you help me find one."

"Yes, I would love to . . ." she says and she finally smiles.

"It will definitely be a great day, nothing can go wrong," Joy says convinced.

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