Chapter 12: Reaching the Moon

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Tim starts to scramble his papers hastily.

"All we need is a 'reminiscence'."

"A 'resistance'?" Lapsus asks confused.

"A reminiscence. It is a memory that returns from the past even when it has already been forgotten. A fragrance, a texture, or a sound can make it come back."

"Bring back what exactly?" Oblivion asks.

"Our exit ticket," Tim smiles. "Let's see . . . Riley is in the kitchen. Nothing too scary out there, unless . . ." He looks through Fear's eyes. "Bingo! The brooms cabinet. Lapsus, give me Fear's remote. It is time to step in."

Fear, as if hypnotized, moves a lever that makes Riley look towards the dark opening of the door from where a broom stick appears.

"Go Go. Just a little more," Tim guides. Fear and Riley doubt. Tim insists with the remote control and finally manages to open the door.

"A broom is our exit ticket?" Phobia asks, rather confused.

"Sshhh . . . Come on Riley, look around," Tim says, holding the remote control, "give me something. Yes! That wooden box is perfect."

"What are you trying to . . . .?" Oblivion begins to ask.

"It's like a puzzle. I'm composing a memory in Riley's mind. Come on, girl, take a look down."

Suddenly Riley's expression transforms. She seems to light up and fear paves the way for curiosity. Joy, sitting in the corner, starts peeking shyly to see Fear's reaction.

"We have the wheels!" Tim whispers excitedly, "Now we need a rainbow and we will complete the image."

"Outside its raining cats and donuts, I mean dogs," Lapsus says, "where are we going to get a rainbow?"

Riley seems to be distracted for a second. Sadness approaches the panel to press the Trauma button without Fear seeing her.

"We're losing her, Tim," Phobia exclaims urgently. "If you are planning on doing something, it has to be now."

Sadness bends down trying to reach the Trauma button to disconnect everything. Joy, sprawled in a corner, shakes her head, but has no strength to stop her.

"It's for the best," Sadness tells herself about to press the Trauma button.

"Look at the surreal, I mean the cereals!" Lapsus shouts, remembering the Rainbow Crops.

"But they don't scare her! I can't make her look in that direction if she's not afraid," says Tim frustrated.

"But they disgust her," Phobia says, taking control. "Come on Fear, time to be a hero," and with an agile turn, Phobia makes Fear embrace Disgust, like in a dance move, Fear leads Disgusts's hand to turn Riley's eyes towards the table.

"The rainbow, the wheels, the box and the broom. Come on, Riley, you can remember" Tim says impatiently.

As having a revelation, Riley begins to smile. Joy begins to shine more and more intensely.

The pieces fit.

A loud rumor is heard from beneath Tim's feet.

Riley takes the broomstick as if it were a microphone and she starts singing:

"Who's your friend who likes to play? Bing bong! Bing bong."

And Joy sings:

"Who's the best in every way?" And she looks out the window into the darkness of the subconscious, which suddenly fills with light.

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