Part VII - Unidentify

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Published: August 7th, 2023
Words: 1581
{Nobody's PoV}

Nadwe slept peacefully, Muffin comfortably snoozing on his shoulder. Same couldn't be said for Blaza, of course he had gotten lost.

Getting closer and closer into the crash site, it was getting hard to move around the difficult terrain. He struggled to move without hurting himself more. Blaza found a somewhat untouched space and sat down, looking down at his feet.

He didn't know his way back and didn't have any methods of communication to anyone else. But to be honest, it wouldn't be any help. He took a minute to relax his legs after walking for god knows how long.

Blaza sighed before he stood up and continued walking, seeing pools of blood on the ground as he walked further down the destroyed hallway. He didn't know what specimen left the blood, but he didn't really want to find out.

He turned a corner and saw the sanitization room he had originally been in. Great, just going in circles. But he noticed something.. someone. It was Nadwe, sleeping with his back to a glass wall. Blaza knelt down and sighed as he saw the bloodied bandages around his chest.

"AH! O-Oh! Hey Blaza!" Nadwe stuttered, flinching and accidentally hitting his head on the glass behind him. Blaza sat down on the wall next to Nadwe and took off his backpack and closed his eyes momentarily.

Nadwe looked nervous, but decided he should tell Blaza now rather than later. "Uhm.. Blaza? I don't know how to tell you this, but I think that Socks is still alive." He looked away and woke up Muffin in case if Blaza wanted an explanation. "Well.. I guess nothing was really confirmed..." Blaza mumbled, really not needing the news at this time, but it was sort of helpful.

{With Meme and Tbh}

"Oh fuck off! I wasn't the one who was in charge of writing down the directions!" Tbh scoffed, pulling up his hood and tucking his hands in the pockets.

"Well, we're screwed over either way, so there's no point fighting about what we can't change." Meme said, looking around the dark area.

Tbh smiled, "I guess you're right.. I'm sorry." he went back to rummaging in his bag for a light source if any kind. The room was eerily quiet with the faint sounds of water in the distance, but it was too dark to see anything even if they could try to.

Meme quietly celebrated as he walked over to Tbh and shone the flashlight directly into his eyes. "I thought you had a medical degree! You of all people should know not to do that!" Tbh said while yanking his hood down to cover his eyes. Meme sighed and walked around the room, "I guess so, but it's fine if it's you."

"My retinas say otherwise.." Tbh mumbled while continuing the search in his backpack. There wasn't much in the room from what Meme could see, there were two metal doors on either side of the room and a few buttons on a wall. He walked over to the buttons and examined them, he couldn't see what they said, but he pressed one.

He heard metal moving, and when he tried to open the doors, they didn't budge. Great, now they were stuck in here, and nobody else knew where they were.

Meme's heartbeat and breathing started picking up pace as he tried to find an exit of some sort. It was already hard to navigate the room, but with the added anxiety made it even harder. "T-Tb.. I think we're stuck in here..." He managed to say, sitting down on a wall nearby.

Tbh stopped looking for a flashlight when he heard the other struggling to open the doors and followed Meme's voice to where he was sitting. He knelt down and put his arms around Meme, attempting to calm down his anxiety. Meme held Tbh close to him, resting his head on his shoulder.

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