Part IX - The End.

98 3 9

Published: September 12, 2023
Words: 1454
{Tbh PoV}

The voices seemed at least a but familiar, but not enough to trust. Especially in a place that not any of us were familiar with at all. Even if someone like Muffin was familiar with this place, he's not with us.

I grabbed Meme and pulled him down to a small corner, listening carefully for footsteps or more calling out. It was strange how these voices knew our names; as far as I knew, group 1 had made it to The Airship and were doing their investigations.

After a few seconds of searching my pockets, by some miracle, I found a pistol in one of them. It had some ammunition in it, but even if it didn't I had some in my bag.

"No, no.. NO. DON'T EVEN THINK OF THAT WOOLF." Someone said, raising their voice to the point it echoed down the hallway. But.. Woolf? Why was he here.. does that mean everybody else from group 1 was here? I could feel shifting from beside me, Meme taking my hand off of him and standing up.

"H-Hey.. Woolf? Is anyone else with you? It's Meme!" He said, looking down the hallway nervously.

No respone, but soon a rush of footsteps coming from down the hallway. I stood up and held up the pistol to the end of the hallway where the noise was coming from. Meme shot me a glance, he looked anxious as the sound drew closer, backing up a bit to grab a gun laying on the ground.

Suddenly, a flash of colour appeared at the end of the hallway. Seeing the movement almost made me pull the trigger, but after a second, I realized it was Ally. But.. she looked different. From what I could see, she had her hair completely down, and had cuts and bandages all over her body, most of her clothes ripped in several places.

Woolf and Dino followed soon, having the same state of appearance as Ally. Was The Airship's crash site really that bad? The three ran towards us, Ally hugging me tightly when she got to us, shoving my head into her chest.

"A-Ally.. what happened...?"

Woolf looked around nervously, waiting for Ally to explain while Meme and Dino brought their attention to our conversation.

"Well.. okay. It's a long story... so, about a week after we arrived.. we noticed Laff starting to act all weird. Y'know how he's kinda the glue between us? Yeah, he stopped playing that part suddenly. He wouldn't even say hello or wave if you passed him. And I've known him for 5 years, he never passes up an opportunity like that—"

Woolf cut in, clearly not interested in "a long story." "Anyways, what's important. So, at a meeting on what files we found, Joocie said something, and Laff just snapped, he started yelling and saying things completely out of character. He was actually angry. Joocie didn't even say anything offensive. And well... that lead to... Joocie took him to another room and well, we haven't seen either of them since."

Meme looked completely shocked, I knew he pissed off Laff once, and he still won't tell anyone about it and he completely breaks down when you mention it to him. So I couldn't imagine what he is like when he's actually angry.

"What about Joocie? Anything on him?" Meme said, shaking a bit.

Woolf and Ally looked at eachother, a sad air circling them. "He.. we don't know what happened. But we found his sweater covered in his "blood" and all ripped.."

"Oh god.. oh no..." Meme mumbled, gently holding the ripped sweater Dino had passed him, I could see tears starting to form at his eyes, quietly rolling down his face as he stared in shock.

"H-How will we tell Nadwe..." He whispered, finally closing his eyes and accepting it.

{??? PoV}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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