What It Takes To Be A Hero

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Author's Note: (3549 words).

Small Recap:

Izuku: "Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk?!" He said and All Might stops walking; his back is still turned towards us though.

Izuku: "I'm a normal kid without any powers... Could I ever hope to be someone like you!?" Izuku said, a small blush on his face from being nervous. All Might then slowly turns his face to look at Izuku.

The Present (Now):

All Might starts to say, "Without a quirk?" And suddenly he stopped. I noticed he was making small, weird sounds and smoke started to emit from his buff body. But I guess Izuku didn't notice at all because he was looking at the ground and kept talking.

Izuku: "People think I don't have a chance. That not having some kind of powers makes me some kind of weakling... My classmates like to make fun of me, but you know what? That makes me want to prove them wrong." He starts to twiddle with his thumbs, and I look at him, knowing the bullying he went through every day just because other kids think that he can never be a hero. I was always there for him (even if I didn't want to be sometimes), and I always will be.

I then notice that there's a frail figure behind the big amount of smoke that emitted from All Might. I try to get the smoke away from my face, mumbling a, "Izuku...", as I sweat drop.

Author's Note: (Obviously, you're a girl {unless you don't want to be a girl} so, you don't exactly look like this but it's here just to give you an idea

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Author's Note: (Obviously, you're a girl {unless you don't want to be a girl} so, you don't exactly look like this but it's here just to give you an idea. And like I said, you decide what you look like. The only thing that matters is the blindfold, since you haven't taken it off).

However, Izuku just keeps talking, playing with his thumbs. "Ever since I was a kid, I've thought that saving people is the coolest thing you can do..." Izuku's face lights up slightly. "I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe." He closes his eyes and smiles softly. "And be the kind of hero that everyone in the world looks up to." He then looks up, with a bright smile. "Just like you!"

I kind of already knew because I saw him through the smoke. I can still see pretty good, even with this blindfold covering my eyes. But the moment Izuku sees All Might's frail body just standing there, with the smoke... Izuku freaks out a little bit, and after a bit of his sounds of freaking out, he screams, and I cover my ears.

 Izuku freaks out a little bit, and after a bit of his sounds of freaking out, he screams, and I cover my ears

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