Deku vs. Kacchan

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Author's Note: 2362 words.

Small Recap: 

I look at the monitoring screen again and see that Bakugo is running towards Izuku and Floaty Boaty. But the moment that Bakugo was going to send another explosion, Izuku runs to him, grabs him and flips Bakugo over his back. Bakugo getting slammed into the ground.

"Hey, I taught him that move a while ago..." I thought.

Bakugo gets up off the ground, he's definitely angry now. Izuku and Bakugo both get into fighting stances. Bakugo lights up some explosions in the palm of his hand and Izuku starts to shake.

"Izuku, I know you're scared... But please don't give up just yet." I thought.

The Present (Now): (Izuku's P.O.V.):

Kacchan, me, and Y/n-Chan all grew up in the same neighborhood, so we've all known each other since we were little kids, especially since Y/n-Chan basically lived with me and my mom.


Me, Y/n-Chan, Kacchan, and his friends were in front of a fence that had signs that said, "No trespassing", and "You can't go in there!"

Kacchan points to the other side and says, "Come on! Let's fight bad guys!"

Kacchan's friends: "Yeah!" They exclaimed, putting their fists in the air.

"Oh... Yeah!" I said nervously as I put my little fist in the air as well.

Y/n-Chan: "Idiots..." She spoke in an annoyed tone.

Kacchan and his friends started walking into the trespassing area. And I followed, Y/n-Chan slowly walking behind me.

The Present (Now): (Still Izuku's P.O.V.):

"All the other neighborhood kids followed him around. It seemed like he could do anything. And no matter what he decided to do, he was always confident. I thought he was the coolest person I'd ever met besides Y/n-Chan. However, after his quirk manifested, he started to change." I thought.

(Your P.O.V.):

As the fight continued on, so did the talking in the monitoring room.

Red spiky haired guy: "Hey, who's Bakugo talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?" He pointed out and asked All Might.

All Might: "They've all got radios in their ears so they can talk to their partners. I gave it to them before the match started. Along with a map of the building. Also, this. A roll of capture tape!" He shows us the tape.

All Might: "Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them, and they're out for the rest of the game." He explained to us.

Pink alien girl: "So, there's a fifteen-minute time limit, and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" She asked.

All Might answers, "Correct!"

Pink alien girl: "Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one!" She stated.

I speak up, "That's how it always is."

Everyone looks at me as I speak, "Heroes always have disadvantages. That's just the way it is. Nothing's fair." I spoke.

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