Rage, You Damn Nerd

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Author's Note: (6754 words).

Small Recap:

Izuku: "Mr. Aizawa." He said and Mr. Aizawa looks from his measuring device to look at him.

Izuku clenches his hand in a fist, smiling in pain, "You see? I'm still standing."


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Mr. Aizawa smiles, which looks kind of creepy, "This kid..."

The Present (Now):

The guy with a black lightning bolt in his hair: "He threw it over 700 meters!"

Uraraka jumps up happily, her fists in the air, "Nice! He's finally showing us his true power!"

Four-Eyes looks at Izuku, "But his finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam. His quirk is very odd."

French belly button guy: "It wasn't a very pretty throw." He said "fashionably".

However, Bakugo is very shocked, his mouth is wide open, gasping. His eyebrows twitching.

I smile to myself a bit

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I smile to myself a bit. Happy that Bakugo has nothing to say for once.

(Bakugo's P.O.V.):

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? If he had a quirk, he would've gotten it when we were kids! This is impossible! AND IT LOOKS LIKE BLINDFOLDIE KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME! They're up to something." I thought.


Deku: "Someone I look up to told me I have what it takes to be a hero, so did Y/n-Chan. That's why I'm going to U.A.!"

The Present (Still Bakugo's P.O.V.):

"I'm getting to the bottom of this." I thought, my fists shaking, my palms making small explosions.

(Your P.O.V.):

I'm now walking towards Izuku, going to tell him that he did a good job. "Izuku! That was clever of yo-" I start to say but Bakugo runs angrily towards Izuku and pushes me out the way from one of his explosions. I spin in a circle and fall to the ground, my nose bleeding.

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