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"What should you?" Your heart started to feel heavy. You don't know him for long but he became such a big part of your life already, you didn't want to lose him. He was still sitting on the floor next to the bed, he was so big he was almost on shoulder level. You ruffled his hair so it was a bit messy. "Nekko, what is up?" You smiled as he called you 'mine'. Then you signed "We should talk about some stuff" you said and he looked sad "D-Did I do something w-wrong?" He managed to say.

Namjoon POV

She stood up and closed the door. His heart got heavy, what if she wants to brake up or if she lost feelings what if... she sat back on the bed and looked seriously. He took her hand waiting for her to go on, she took three deep breaths and tried to relax. Yoongi does the same thing, he once told the guys his mother told him about this trick. "Namjooni, you know I am a doctor and I need to go three years to hospital." She said it as a fact but he nooded to show he understands her. Maybe she doesn't want a relationship in that time? "But I decided to sign in as a personal student so like a trainee. He is a very good doctor." She talked and paused to check on him "Okay but what's the problem?" He didn't really understand "Well, huh, the project I will work on isn't in Soul." He was a bit shocked "but we can still phone and meet in holidays." His hope was gone as he looked at her "No, as I said its complicated."  She looked away and he was confused "Okay so where is that project a-and how long w-will you stay there? He somehow managed to say "I will go to Afghanistan." It felt like a hard punch in his stomach, he couldn't even breath. "A-Afghanistan?" "Yes I applied for doctors without boarders and I kinda got accepted" she said he didn't know how to react she waited patiently but looked very unsure. He had never seen her like this so unsure so vulnerable and he just wanted to protect her. "Well I mean we still have time right?" He tried "Baby I-I" her voice broke, he wanted to hug her put she pushed him away. "I need to go soon very soon almost 3 days are left for us." She started crying, he wanted to cry too but the she let him hug her. She snuggles up to him, he felt her body shaking. He gently layed down on the bed with her, he tried to make her feel comfortable.

Y/N Pov

You felt the warmth of his body while he toled you everything will be okay. As you started to breath normally he kissed you while wiping the tears away. You moved back but as you saw how sad he looked you lightly smiled "Hey, everything will be okay." Now he was the one looking away you noticed a tear rolling out of his face. "H-How long will you be there?" You were scared he would ask it you hoped he wouldn't but he did and you needed to tell the truth  "Till now, only a year" He pulled his face in your chest and tried to hide that he needs to cry. You moved his had back with your hands, you were able to feel his warm wet cheeks as you kissed him.

It was almost four PM as you woke up. You noticed that you fall asleep in Namjoons arms when you looked at him you saw that he is still asleep. He looked relieved in a certain way happy. His cheeks weren't wet anymore from the tears. You decided to tell the other ones about everything and so you went down and did. You told them everything and you ended up in a big hug. Namjoon also came as he saw the hug combo he searched for you when he found you he smiled and came to hug everyone too. When you finished you told the that it was your dream to help so many people and it would be a great chance which was so important for you, when you finished everyone nooded. Except Namjoon "Y/N, you should do it. I know it will be hard for you leaving us all but you will come back and yes we may change but we'll allways love you. I will love you the most ofcourse. Auch!" Yoongi punshed him and you needed to laugh "I mean, hell it is so hard for me to say that because you need to follow your dream and go there, but I love you so much I don't want to lose you." "Gosh you are so clingy" you said while shake your had and laughing "I know I know but I love you." He pulled you closer to him, you narrowed your eyes exactly knowing what he will do as he did. He kissed you, this kiss was different. It was connected with hope, peace, acceptance and love. "Ew" Tehyung said to what Mi-Suk responded with a punch and "They are so cute let them kiss"

Namjoon POV

He was able to feel her smile while they kissed but she was the one who pulled away. Everyone was doing there stuff but Y/N asked if she could check his wounds. He almost forgot about them because they didnt hurt. After Y/N checked them she told him that his ribs are doing well. He smiled at her as he got closer to her to give her a kiss. She moved back. "Are you afraid because I am so handsome looking without a shirt." He teased her. When he finished that sentence her lips were already on his, he was a little overwhelmed because she was so fast. He moved his hands to her hips and she gently let one of her hands slide down from his had over his chest downt to his stomach.

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